
So does Nickelback, except it’s just one song over and over again. 

Was the main point of this commercial to get people excited for Creed?

I tried the Prince of Persia demo on Switch, and it was _really_ unpleasant. Tons of screens with nothing in them except multiple directions to go in (and no signposting on which way is the “main” path and which is the “side” path), then really tedious fighting and an incredibly frustrating platforming bit (where you

These sequences require the player to run down a series of repeating hallways in search of the right path that gets you to the next step of the game’s story. The problem is that there isn’t any guidance on how to navigate these mazes

I am trying to figure out how you combined 6.2" to 8" and got 100". 

They had remote voting in the House during COVID, and Republicans repealed it as soon as they took over, purely out of spite. Luna voted for the repeal, as they say in the article. 

It’s not. From Wikipedia:

Everything I've ever heard is that Sega became much more successful after going third party. Sad for some [sheds another tear for the Dreamcast] but not bad for them.

“Everything we know about the Nintendo Switch 2"

Yeah, it wasn't like the PS3 where they very quickly removed backward compatibility after a year or so.

I actually hooked my Wii back up after all these years yesterday so I could play GameCube games and Guitar Hero. (For whatever reason the guitars never worked on the Wii U.) Now if only I could find my Eternal Darkness disc...

I am not “disoriented” and think Barmada and this author are both on team Trump.

They left out Obi-Wan, which I thought was better than most of these shows. 

I thought “Patissiere” was just a misspelling of “Patisserie,” but apparently it’s a real, different thing.

The way EMTALA violations work, the federal government doesn’t directly investigate whether care was denied. Rather, they direct a state investigator to do it, then they take action based on the state’s report. That works fine when the state and feds are on the same side, but not so well when the state wants women to

Try having a kid, raising him for 10 or so years, and it’ll cost you some time and money, sure, but on the plus side he’ll be able to explain anything you want to know about Fortnite.

It amazes me that people will freak out about this and defend Steam, who virtually invented this garbage business model.

If they had Rocket: Robot on Wheels I'd subscribe forever.


Gamefly charged at least that.