
As a grammar nerd, I see what you did (or omitted) there.

Loved Walton Goggins even more in Sons of Anarchy.

I want to see Gendry turn down his Lordship and travel with her as her armorer.

Tooooooooooo Many White Guys

1. Good for her. Her daughter knows Mama has her back, always.

This entire paragraph made not a lick of sense. At first, I thought it was me, and I just needed to read slower.

Just a helpful note - anybody who includes the phrases “you people” and “your debased culture” is a straight up racist fucknut who should finish stroking his tiny dick with a glove full of razor blades.

Now playing

If you believe that, you and everyone else on this thread should watch When They See Us, Ava DuVernay’s amazing series about the Central Park 5. It will literally take your breath away.

Now playing

I can’t find the video and don’t want to do this search at work, but I saw a link on Twitter yesterday to an undercover investigation of what happens when you go to a police station and request a form to file a complaint. It left me even more terrified than I already was. Here’s a short (similar) clip:

Have you heard of housing testers?


I think this creepy shit looks like the Joker fucked the Church Lady.

“You people”?

Plus you pack all of those people into the Red Keep, away from their farms and forges and such, who do you think is responsible for keeping them fed? Or not fed, thereby earning resentment? 

True. But none of them got that rich by throwing good money after bad. The school needs to demonstrate the financial management ability to turn things around with whatever lifeline they’re thrown.

Or “WhiteAssHell”

I spent Sunday afternoon reporting those fucknuts to Twitter. I was nauseated halfway through. People are fucking evil.

Because there’s no way his Black neighbor kept coming to his house asking for his potato salad with the fucking raisins in it? Or his unseasoned-ass chicken that he didn’t wash? Plus what Black person in South Carolina, period, is coming to his house repeatedly trying to hang with his Mayo-scented ass?

Whisper in his ear that the next generation might well be your grandchildren. Because your kids are likely to reject your racism.