
I have a cousin who will NOT stop claiming on FB that this is all racism, that it’s because Cosby tried to buy NBC. When I’ve commented on Cosby’s dozens of accusers, he claims that numerically the number of women Cosby slept with (consensually?) makes this number of (false?) accusations appropriate percentage-wise. I

I am so sorry. While I am silent on my own behalf, the time I saw a man doing that to a pretty young girl on the bus, I offered her my seat because I figured there was no way he was gonna try to grab my ass. She turned it down, but he had the nerve to be pissed with me. An older Latina woman marched up and told the

I didn’t report in my 40's, when I was riding a crowded #2 train from 42nd street uptown. (New Yorkers know what I mean). We were packed in like sardines, and an OLD old old white man put his hands up in front of him and coincidentally palmed my breasts until the train got to 72nd St - the next stop - and I lurched

If you do, you will hear an anguished screaming from the Upper West Side.

I hate to say this (because fuck Nikki Haley’s self hating ass) but it actually wouldn’t make sense unless they owned the buildings on either side and in back. There would be way too many points of vulnerability in a NYC brownstone. An apartment building is actually better for security because you can control the

Even the ad algorithm disagrees:

And some of my West Indian aunties (and a few uncles) have been up in arms about how short her dress was for that funeral. All I could remember about her was that donut-licking and Pete Davidson, but that shit made me a full-on Arianastan. 

The AV Club chose that (hysterically ironic) full photo for its header.

It can’t be said often enough. This man wants (if he hasn’t already) to have sexual relations with his daughter. He touches her inappropriately in public.

Darth Becky Tear Sommelier

And this is one more reason I love my people. We take every flavor of lemon and turn into shining gold lemonade. #RacistsStayHating

The one true “Remember the Time” story we want and need:

Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols?

Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols?

Now playing

Oh, I would have made him that drink. And he better drink every drop.

Yeah, I think the answer to the headline is “suicide.”

Now playing

As a palate cleanser, consider the multiple episodes of Chopped featuring school lunch ladies (generally ladies), many of whom have programs where they prepare weekend food for the kids in their schools who need it because they know that some of those kids would otherwise not get much to eat the 2 days per week