
No, no, no!!! Sorry - that was addressed to the guy who beat this lady up! I was so mad when I saw what she was wearing (because that made it obvious to me that he was being an ass) in the pic you posted that I just replied. I might want to take a breath next time.

Cogent and astute analysis.

Asshole, where the fuck would this lady hide your damn wallet?

Looking at him, like “What, bitch?”

But when I throw a handful of marbles in front of this jackass, I’m the crazy one.

He will boil your fucking rabbit, Fox!

Some people are allergic to soy. You could do someone significant damage.

I never endorse the “messing with someone’s food” revenges, because you don’t know what someone’s physical vulnerabilities are.

I can understand the exhortation not to put that in my mouth.

Is it safe to get chocolate on your labia? I don’t want to end up with a rash...

Thank you! A friend of a friend posted on a FB thread about Donald Hump this weekend:”I say to anyone that wants to live under communism. MOVE TO CHINA OR NORTH KOREA! America is the land of the Free!” —> Ummmm, how do you not know that stifling dissent is pretty Communist?

Not according to his Instagram -

I’m a Christian, and that one would have made me leave home.

I am so sorry that you’re dealing with all of that, with very little support. Caregiving, even supplementary caregiving, is exhausting and painful and often thankless.

My mother STILL does this, and I’m two decades older than you.

Maybe a feminist pushback on the shame they were probably taught around (shhhhhhh) menstruation?

Your parents are fucking awesome.

Take all of those people and subtract one Dane Cook - meh, pretty much a wash.

No, but your insistent repetition that this controversy somehow matters to the validity of the movement itself is deeply racist. But that’s OK.

The first step would be acknowledging the actual legal system in this country, asshole. The punishment for shoplifting a pack of gum is not death. If you think it should be, go live under sharia law.