

I would rather lick my own ... armpit than eat Spam or Vienna sausages.

I love the overall sense that these kids are just "not right" from these comments.

Every episode of The View is an excellent representation of the old adage, If you don't have something smart to say, shut the fuck up. — There, fixed that for you.

Damn, the hair thing alone would have me riding that d like a stallion.

When you are NOT ALLOWED TO WORK!!!! That plot device drives me crazy.

Am I the only one rooting for a bunker Eiffel Tower 3-way?

I would have more respect for his snark if he'd used his own ass, though.

I think about sleeping with my father, but only because he abandoned me before birth. Also, he's super-religious now, so it would torture him to find out he'd slept with his daughter. Like, break-his-brain torture.

This would be the perfect spot for that nope crab, but I'm too lazy to go find it.

Actually, I believe semen contains protein and fructose - which would not make for a tasty or effective alternate sweetener - although vegetarian spunk is apparently sweeter. (…)

Dang, mama. Jealousy's not a good look at all...

Your reading comprehension is low.

Excuse you - Alexis Morell Carrington Colby Dexter Rowan.

What do you mean by hoity-toity? I mean that as a serious question.

Even if he did pee in your soup, translate it into French and charge an extra $15 for it. Voulez-vous pisse d'enfant?

I do declare - it's called the vapors...

He can say whatever he wants. The sound will be muffled by my thighs.

Every time Rush Limbaugh speaks, an angel gets its wings .. ripped off.

Can I steal your ant analogy? Because punching the family members, co-workers, friends' husbands, etc. who come up with this line of argument is not an option and probably doesn't advance the cause of reasonable discourse. Whereas your response might actually move the needle.