How has she "admitted her mistakes," exactly? With the bullshit quote: "Um ... I just learned that words ... they're powerful. And they can hurt, no matter how old they are."?
How has she "admitted her mistakes," exactly? With the bullshit quote: "Um ... I just learned that words ... they're powerful. And they can hurt, no matter how old they are."?
Wrong. Great thinking, but wrong. Rihanna seems like she's trying the "I'm so sexual" thing just a little too hard. Plus, the whole Chris Brown on-off situation suggests insecurity to me. I think she's 5-8 years from hitting her real, self-actualized sexual stride. Whereas Nicki Minaj seems to get the whole humorous…
Get in mah belleh....
butter and parsley
Good point - that is a false dichotomy. Also agree with your response to kcunning. I still have sympathy for people who discover (after the fact) that motherhood doesn't "work" for them in the "Cosby Show" ideal way.
Um... because I don't have children? I know I'm loved, I know my friends love their children, but the "mechanism" of it? That's a mystery to me. I don't understand the concept of "automatically" loving your children. I guess I'm sympathetic to women who somehow don't feel that automatically. I have a friend who really…
I'm confused. What do you think I'm saying here?
No. Just no.
If you time my bathroom trips, I will optimize productivity by squatting atop your desk as we discuss the TPS reports.
Maybe because I work in communications, I see the "answer" to everything in meaningful conversation. I feel really strongly that you're losing the ear of people like some of the super-Christian people in my family (whose responses to vegetarianism and "no corporal punishment!" are respectively, "we were given dominion…
1. I know this statement may be less than meaningless to you, but I am so very sorry for the injuries, physical and emotional, that were inflicted on you. I hope that you completely reject the concept that you deserved to be violated in that way and that you've made your way to a healthier happier life.
You are factually incorrect. Corporal punishment is not a crime, in and of itself. Abuse of children is.
Ah, OK.
My problem, clearly, is that I don't agree with you. Therefore, I must be incorrect.
I didn't mean that anyone was specifically asserting this. I was trying to essentialize the two entrenched positions that seem to be cropping up on discussions of corporal punishment - positions that are not advancing the discussion at all. We are not going to reach consensus by retreating further and further into our…
How are we doing? Our children are willful, lack self-control, lack self-awareness, and expect to be coddled by everyone long past childhood.
The fact that 71 people are as jingoistic and contemptuous as you makes me tired.
I'm willing to bet if you went to any law, medical, or business school and polled the students, you'd find a significantly higher than average history of corporal punishment as children.
Yes, because that is logically equivalent.
This thread is ridiculous.