I'm just getting hooked on almond milk - a friend told me that soy was bad for PCOS.
I'm just getting hooked on almond milk - a friend told me that soy was bad for PCOS.
I don't really know what my opinion about horoscopes is, and I for sure don't know what my opinion is about Susan Miller's horoscopes. But I'm positive that I'm uncomfortable with the level of contempt in the comments on this post towards people who do believe. It's the same way I feel about Patton Oswalt's jokes…
They tried to take down the Queen of All Media over just that.
You mean ketchup and relish?
Try selling that shit to West Indians.
Cool. Throw some shade at devoutly religious people here, too.
But you do acknowledge that she has a profit motive to keep people "multi-clicking" at the beginning of each month? For that same "FREE" content? Which allows her to cross-sell paid content using "6 million monthly clicks" (or whatever) as her marketing language. And, just a note - her paid app also contains the…
Kind of like priests, right?
She makes a great deal of money cross-selling events and paid columns based on the overwhelming popularity of her free site.
The logically-inclined are also not likely to make sweeping generalizations based on a single item of evidence.
Wrong. Which is why so many doubters have come away convinced.
How dare you propose that we take a rational approach to discussing this matter? Do you really expect us to listen to each other without taking refuge in our entrenched positions or to consider this as a situation in which tragedy abounds for all parties?
"Itz not ah tumah!"
Yes, but if your off the cuff analysis (since he doesn't cite any specific market research data) tells you that the average NBA team manages to sell most of their overpriced swag to white guys 35-55 who are die-hard team fanatics and will buy season after season, as well as buying season tickets no matter how "their"…
I live 100 blocks from my office. I think Imma get a skateboard.
I'm just being stupid on a Friday afternoon. I hate stirrup pants.
Fuck you. You will take my stirrup pants from my cold, dead legs...
Verbatim "conversation" I get once a month, at least.
It means something very significant to me that she spoke from an outsider perspective during a time in which people were encouraged even to be nonconformist in conformist ways (be the pretty, flower wearing, peacenik hippie OR the Betty Draper pill-popping housewife). To be loud, obnoxious, boldly Jewish, and talk…