
Right there with you - my girlfriend once farted as I was about to toss her salad.

Now playing

"Do you know how many blowjobs I had to give to get where I am?"

She was racist, she was elitist, she was Zionist, she wore fur, and she was a fat-shamer.

If he wasn't a seat filler, he could afford a fucking jacket. As it is, he looks like a waiter. A tacky waiter.

What the fuck? Can someone, anyone, please explain to me what the hell reaction we are supposed to have as conscious intelligent women living in this place and time except rage?

A friend of mine, who is the living embodiment of voluptuousness, used to live in a building where the late Strom Thurmond also lived. She claimed that 7 times out of 10, an elevator ride with him included ass fondling.

Being an asshole to a black woman might not get you blacklisted in Hollywood, but challenging the hierarchy by being a seatfiller who talks to the talent and then has to be thrown the fuck out? That will get you shut down with a quickness.

Well, white privilege doesn't believe in Bill O'Reilly, so that's fair.

You're beginning to bore me, but let's give this one more go.

Here's a hint: the vagina is neither in the pelvis nor the abdomen.

Man, I wanted to find that scene from School Daze when Giancarlo Esposito says to Spike Lee "Man, you ain't never seen no parts of the pussy, have you?"

Never mind......Google claims $200 million.

How rich is Tommy Mottola?

You do you - I hate the idea that a trend that comes along has to be followed by everyone, even those who know it doesn't work for their bodies. I will just say, a flowy top doesn't have to hang straight off the DDs.

Butter Denim skinny jeans from Avenue. Soft as can be, and with just enough stretch to act as an allover girdle. I am 5'3", exceedingly voluptuous, and carry all of my weight in my hips and ass. (Just measured myself for an Eshakti order, and I am literally 3 sizes smaller up top than my hips would indicate, despite

Are you Miranda? Because if so, I love you and want to be your best friend. Drop that narcissistic bitch with the shoe fetish.

Eff that. If she wants to work out any daddy issues, she should ride Idris Elba like a Ducatti.

Hearing from a co-worker about how she's using the bathroom on our floor to have nooners with the colleague she's reporting to while her boss is on sabbatical? Meh.

Can you? Yes.