
I think that's a really kind and generous reading of her tone. It is difficult not to feel that she left so many dots unconnected re:systemic poverty. In part, because she's probably no longer feeling motivated to make people understand.

Can I just tell you I found this random reassurance from an Internet stranger to be oddly comforting? I've always feared that I would just be irretrievably broken if something happened to my mom, and I've watched the fear creeping into her interactions with her (94 year old) mom. Thanks for that. I hope you really are

Honestly, I'm a little scared that this story could be me in ?? years. My mom is utterly awesome and a huge part of my life. Hopefully, I'll just get a giant cardboard cutout of her and come home and have crazy conversations with it, not, you know, sleep next to her desiccated corpse.

I was hoping she had just gone to the bathroom and neglected to wash her hands.

This, exactly. First, I'm finding it hard to comprehend the rosy glow so many commenters are placing on parenthood. Actually, it is entirely possible to decide that you don't want a child after you have conceived one. We have legal abortion to handle the situation when the subject is a fetus, we have Safe Haven laws

Translation: He was perving it up in Times Square, nostalgic for the days when he used to be able to pop into an alley and pay somebody to swallow his funky load. While he was trying to take random-ass creepshots of boobs and butts, someone realized what he was up to and called him on his shit. He got loud and racist,

Would you like to try that again with the words in the correct order?

I guess it was out of the question to show them the original picture. Oh wait, it was - because then it would have been clear that he was the one engaged in shady behavior.

Clearly, we're all free to have our own opinion, but for me, I'm happy to wait at least a minute seeing Black women accumulate this type of power as well as money before I start requiring them to start doing great things with it. If she wants to hump Jay-Z every night on top of a giant pile of shredded $100 bills,

Can we kickstarter that shit? I will forego paying rent this month to contribute.

Depending where you're located, there may be some deep-water running classes or training opportunities near you. It might be a good way to get some of the benefits of both.

OK, cool. When my grandma dies, can the family save the expense of all that funereal rigmarole and just leave her on your couch? We'll throw you a couple of bucks per month for the privilege.

There is a significant difference between raising children who have come from a chaotic environment (which requires a sustained ongoing effort to provide them with a sense of safety and stability) and reasonable corporal punishment. [Kudos to you, by the way, for stepping up to care for these children.]

I think I love you - that is genius and I never thought of it. Off to test this immediately!

No, but maybe if you're in a position of power, you actually refrain from accepting the apparently endless blowjob offers from people you work with, or may have authority over.

He must have excellent security. Because otherwise, living in New York and pulling this kind of shit would pretty much guarantee you a curb job from some outraged BF.

You know what has a 100% chance of stopping a rapist? Not making the decision to address your own powerlessness by engaging in sexual violence.

I became aware of that after the Sandra Fluke controversy when I saw people online, with no sense of irony or their own ridiculousness, claim that she needed government support (umm, no, she had healthcare provided by her tuition dollars) for her contraception (umm, again no, she was taking the pill for other reasons)

Honestly, when will the stupid ladeez get with the program and realize their power to end rape and intimate violence?

Definitely not just teenagers. My Mom racked up$500 in charges - from the U.S. Virgin Islands. I mean, what the hell? Why is that roaming?