
My favorite part about Third Age was being able to travel all the way through Middle Earth along the route of the Fellowship. (I’m a sucker for good game worlds, especially those that let me explore a world I already love.) I played it a bit on my roommates PS2 in college then wound up picking it up on Xbox a few

If this were f2p Moba, I would be fucking rejoicing, but this is flat out unacceptable.

Remember back in Battlefront 2 when they gave you the heroes because you were doing well at the game? I’d honestly rather play that, no matter how many shiny graphics are attached.

Just increase the price of games. I know development isn’t as cheap as it was back when the Xbox 360 came out. Just increase the price of games to $70. I’m cool with that because I realize games in modern times are extremely expensive. Just do it.

I know. It doesn’t mention polio either. It’s downplaying the effect it had on children.

BF1 did not underperform. In fact its overperformance is what helped sink the Visceral game/studio.

Damned if you do damned if you don’t.

Dumb article that only exists for a click, which in turn references a dumb essay that itself only exists for a click.

“Hey guys, some people used this art/historical moment/idea for racist/sexist/etc. purposes, and it is wrong wrong wrong to reference the art/historical moment/idea without referencing (read:

That presupposes that EA only has enough money to keep one of those studios running. I do not think that is true. My belief is that EA shut down Visceral because it wasn’t performing well (not terrible, just no a belief that it could be a blockbuster) and the astronomical cost of operating a studio in San Francisco

They’ll shut down Respawn the second one of their games underperforms. They have a long history of doing this. Only a fool would accept an offer from EA at this point; I don’t understand why studios still do it!

e speciallyu considering respawn took on some of the employees from visceral

lol ssorry im just being an ass. it is something that has bothered me for a long time tho! esp when big companies dont spell ot right

its tri-Ace buddy. no capital T. lol so easy to point out poseurs

I would venture to guess that she’s past that event horizon, given that she seems intent on causing as much damage to as many people as possible.

How is Nomura to blame? Nomura gets blamed for delays all the time but he literally has NOTHING to do with the delays every single time. With FFXV, it was not his choice to switch engines and make the game ground up, no was it his choice the project was given to another director while they stuck him on KH3, FFVII-R,

7R was not moved from external to internal dev, this is a huge misconception with that article from 2 months ago. CC2 was assisting with dev but not actually full dev. It’s more likely that their role in the project had simply been finished and everything they had assembled for the game had been moved back to SE HQ.

Executives don’t care if you get thrown under the bus. They answer to no one other than the shareholders. Executives are faceless. I mean in this story, what executive do you blame for this issue? Nomura however is one person, pushing off the blame to the faceless in a way helps to maintain some confidence in Nomura

That was the first thing I thought too. Not very Japanese to physically blame your bosses.

It’s kinda sad how, because of one game, Nomura has this endless reputation for “extremely long development cycles and long delays”. Meanwhile, Nomura has shipped like 13 Kingdom Hearts games and only one of them experienced an actual delay in development.

Except the executives were probably at fault for Versus XIII, too.