
Pokemon has never been balanced and GF has never tried to balance it. The cuts were not made for balance, at all. And the number of pokemon is not in any way unpossible to include in a game... FFS we just had a game come out on a last gen mobile console that had MORE. I don’t care what the graphics look like - I care

To be clear, I think there’s an over-amount of waffling in this article for a game not fully played and not that well described (how much choice you actually have is unclear), and I feel Heather hasn’t fully defended her argument that the game doesn’t take a proper enough stand against its own setting.

sometimes i feel like kotaku articles get a bit lost in the weeds - like, personally i just don’t share these lofty expectations placed upon videogame writing (not that there isn’t room for some exceptions). that said, heather’s reactions are certainly valid and she can form a well constructed opinion from there, but

Ah, so they'll have to replace him sooner or later!

There’s no middle ground anymore here. Either you’re with them, or against them. Sad, but that’s where we are. Colin is a pretty level headed dude, but gets shit on because of some of his conservative values.

Yeah, as MerricatTheExiled pointed out, Alex Jones is the extreme version of conservatism and anyone claiming that he’s the example of just barely crossing the line either isn’t informed or willfully ignorant.

I’m sorry but as an U.S. citizen I refuse to allow anyone use Alex Jones as the yardstick with which to determine if someone is controversial or not. Those examples are on wrong end of the spectrum to be at all useful for comparison. And to put it bluntly, looking at the works of these two it is entirely informed to

Him getting flack from that tweet just proved how overly sensitive people have gotten.

Dont think banning is up to the community. That would be whoever ran the tournament. From what ive seen she didnt get this strong the other day. If there is unbalance that has clearly been heard about for a while, whoever makes up the rules for these tournaments could of banned her. Guaranteed doing that alone would

I also never finished it, but really liked it. The combat was pretty unique, and the story was interesting and well written (from what I remember).

People enjoyed the first game. It wasn’t as if it was universally panned. They wanted something similar but better. You wanted a completely different product. Why do you keep saying this like it makes sense?

Jason. You work a a company. I assume there are more than one person there. You don’t like the game or the series. So much so you skipped one of the prior TWO games. WTF would you be chosen to review it?

Now playing

Well played, SwordBreaker. I’d almost forgotten about that track. Sooooooo hauntingly good! And by the way, if you REALLY want that sound effect, I gotcha covered:

Right!? Wasn’t that dialogue IMPRESSIVE!? I still love the beginning scene where Ashley first meets Sydney. The music runs perfectly with the action, with the cut-scenes...it blew me away as a young man playing it for the first time. Heck, to this day, it’s impressive! One of the first game soundtracks I imported as

To be fair, as far as I’m aware, Chrono Cross was never truly meant to be a sequel to Chrono Trigger.

It’s an amazing game, I had never played anything like it till then and play it every few years again.

Totally agree! Thank you for stopping by! Happy turkey day! =)

Swear to god if they hire some A-list celebrity to voice Mario instead of Charles Martinet I’m gonna...be annoyed but still see the movie.

This. I really enjoyed that game at the time. It was very in depth and I still think about that battle with the Balrog from time to time.