
I’m happy that they’re also releasing a re-balancing/bug squashing update along with Mewtwo. Also the fact that they’re considering more DLC characters and fan feedback voting. It looks like they’re going to support Smash DLC for a year or something. But the only thing that makes me sad is that Sakurai is super

Neat announcement, but they played it like it was something extravagant. For a moment there at the end of the presentation, I was holding my breath for a Battle Mode pack for Mario Kart 8, not 200cc. Color me disappointed. :(

The trailer was absolutely AMAZING. Very stylish crossover. The wait is going to be insane though.

Interesting that they showed off Mario Kart DS, which previously had an online mode that Nintendo shut down. Would be nice if they put it back for the emulated version, but I’m not holding my breath.

Hello. Good to see a fellow Saudi browsing the site. :)

I highly commend Harada and the Tekken team for trying to incorporate characters from all around the world. I mean when is the last time anyone ever heard of a fictional game character from the Philippines? That's freggin' awesome. That being said, however, I get the constructive critique and Namco should be all ears

Very impressive. I would be very interested to play a full blown Mario 64 remake in Unity.

RIP. I'm surprised that Micheal didn't share this password or information with his wife. Or keep a list of passwords somewhere just in case something happens.

I haven't played Hearthstone so I don't get the intricacies of how is this possible and why wasn't this discovered before. However, I do know it's supposed to be a 1 vs 1 card game. So the opponent should be sitting through this beat down as well, right? He/she also has the PC on and agree to the initial ice block and

For a moment there, I read the title as Obitus not Oblitus.

On one hand, I like Sterling's honestly in his reviews and opinions, whether it's in article or video form. He sometimes sparks a lot of good discussion in an entertaining manner. On the other, I think he's too brash/harsh at times. It's a double edge sword. He has mellowed out through the years, but the brashness

They already started making and releasing controller attachments for smartphones, so why not use their treasure trove of older games?

It's not that I was upset. It's just that it was baffling that shareholders, journalists and gamers gave Nintendo flak for not entering the mobile service when their competition (Sony and Microsoft) aren't exactly fully utilizing their IPs with mobile apps. Sony dabbled with their PlayStation brand on mobile and

Well written and honest recap. I think the highlight and morale of this piece is when you met one game developer who has a different opinion than yours, who thinks that the GG coverage is overblown and was not a amused by that speech in GDC. Nothing happened. You guys spoke and that's it. Here's the thing though; even

This looks indeed hilarious and badass. I'm so surprised that a GameFreak-developed game in this day and age is not coming to Nintendo consoles. What's the deal, Sega? Goes to show you that GameFreak is still quite independent from Nintendo in some ways. I also don't think that Nintendo fans will care of a non-Pokemon

I didn't experience Chrono Trigger fresh back in '95 as I wasn't into RPGs at that time. I finally got around it 2 years ago (DS version), expecting to be disappointed from all the hype talk I've been reading on the internet. All I can say is that it lived up to expectations and then some. There's an 'it factor' in

I don't think it would be wise for Konami to control Kojima. He's practically the guy that's keeping the company afloat. If Kojima decides to leave and do his own thing, then fans will follow, whether he's working on Metal Gear or not.

There are only two ways to go after MGSV. Either remake the MSX games or start a completely new Metal Gear Saga. If Kojima's serious about his claims, then he will serve as producer only for either of those options.

I feel that the advertised size of the game, while being truthul, is just a facade. Repetition will start creeping in eventually, and worlds will differ in only tiny variables. The question is when will the repetition creep in as you play? That will factor into the game's value and reception.

I find it weird and contradictory that you don't find Revelations 2 good yet praise the hell out of Raid Mode. That alone technically should constitute the game as a good in your books. A not good experience implies that you didn't enjoy your time with it, which is not the case in this write-up.