
Yeah. It's true that the Japanese-to-English translation through the years may have contributed it a few Zelda timeline confusions. Even though there's a bit of strain on the Hyrule Historia version, I really enjoyed how the dealt with the classic games released pre-Ocarina of Time (plus A Link Between Worlds and

Nice write up. Maintaining canon can be very difficult, especially when trying to rewrite certain aspects of long established franchises to tell a new story freely while keeping past canon in mind. It's a slippery slope. Seeing canon intact, good or bad, is a reward for hardcore fans which have stuck with a series for

Unneccessarily harsh. Too nitpicky on the design changes. What's the point of this article exactly? You can easily say same thing for Mickey Mouse but the fact remains; he is the face of Disney, just like Pikachu being the face of Pokemon. Other Pokemon are still popular or great for game covers, but Pikachu's

I find it funny that they're trying to bank on remaking what is argubly the worst Final Fantasy game. Even Square-Enix themselves wouldn't touch Mystic Quest with a 50 foot pole. Who is this for, really? Aside from the unfortunate people who played it back in the day and somehow liked it. It may have flied back then

With all these big Destiny patches, it makes me wonder how much will I enjoy it as someone who has avoided playing it at launch until now. Is it a much better game than what it was? Because I don't see a lot of praises for the patches themselves, but in theory patches should improve the overall experience, right?

I'm not confident in the developer anymore after this travesty. They better work on Halo 5 slowly and efficiently, not rush the release date for November. Because if that game launches broken, the internet will flip and rightfully so.

What's with all these big budget games not living up to the hype? 2014 was littered with them and now the beginning of 2015 is looking to be the same. Witcher 3, MGSV, you better be good games. But this is tempering my hype a bit.

It's a very situational bug, but it is potentially game-breaking. Nothing to majorly panic about though. Simply ban the custom move in tournament play until Nintendo patches it. If Nintendo chooses not to patch, then just keep the move banned. Simple as that.

This kind of reminds me of Sands of Destruction, a DS game that holds an insane pedigree when it comes to the creators' backgrounds...heck even Masato Kato wrote the scenario. While Sands of Destruction's story is a bit more interesting and deeper than Legend of Legacy, it ultimately ended up as a disappointing game

It's obvious that Molyneux is an eccentric persona with tons of ideas. He needs another person, designer, or body to compliment his positives, hides his negatives, contain and refocus his ambition. He can't function alone as a head of a developer, hence why this open-ended Kickstarter project was doomed from the

Despite the claims and interviews straight from the horse's mouth, I find most of this article hard to believe. Not calling either Jason or Pisnof liars, but it's one word against the other and we never know who is telling the truth. What happened with Fez was years ago, so people might've changed their stories and

There were moments during the Smash 4 matches that felt really fun and the crowd did show enthusiasm. The Zero/MewTwoKing set was absolutely awesome because they both joked around (very lax) with the crowd and the crowd returned the favor...even though it was mostly a Double Diddy set! At one point, Zero played for

I didn't know he did Twitch live streams. I've been subbed to this dude on Youtube for awhile, and he's absolutely awesome and talented. A passionate rendition of Dire Dire Docks made me an instant fan. Nice idea to go to Twitch though and it's great that the community has warmly recieved him. That stream should

I can't wait. It took me over 130 hours to complete the original game for the first time, and I didn't even tackle the superbosses and had like a few quest left. Despite some repetitive side quest objectives, Xenoblade was addicting! The plots of some of the sidequests can get a lot more engaging than the main

My problem with the beta is that I realized late that it's only accepting people who live in the US and Japan. Why shun the rest of the world like that? As much as I love Nintendo, I don't know why they aren't opening up their stuff internationally. The reason why Sony and Microsoft are as big as they are is because

If it's his last game, then it's been my honor to be part of the experience. I've been a fan of Sakurai since Kirby Super Star, and what has always struck me with his games are value, content, and gameplay twists. Smash 4 has all of that and then some. Consider the Wii U version, only one patch so far...and there has

I'm glad they're operating on a profit after three years of doing so at a loss. It must be relieving in some way. The situation really reminds me of the GameCube era though, in which the handheld is carrying most of the company's weight instead of the console. While it's great that the Wii U is finding an audience,

This is probably one of the most creative LPs I've seen. It's unique, creative, difficult to play, and hilarious to watch. Even though he didn't speak a word, he's very likable on camera. The medium is honestly saturated, but I'd watch stuff like this if users keep pumping them.

Never heard of it. Is it readily available on Steam and does it work on Windows 8? Who is the developer?

As a noob of adventure games, I'm really looking forward to playing this lost classic. The only adventure game I've played is Trace Memory, but now I'm in the middle of another classic which is warming me up to Grim: The Lost Journey on iPhone. I'm really digging the game and I'm surprised by how damn well the