's gone!'s gone!
In addition to the cross platform gamepplay which MS doesn't allow, I'm sure Sony is backing this somehow in terms of financials. Last I heard is that Capcom isn't considering a sequel due to budget concerns. What changed between now and then? I don't think they magically made a big amount of money, especially since…
If this was a quiet release, I would understand it. But making this big deal out of it is just stupid. A PC conversion without the benefits of modding is not a good selling point.
I absolutely love the artstyle. One of the most visually unique games and concepts I've seen. However, I hate the fact that it's just another shooter. It's pre-alpha so I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, but the gameplay looks generic. Splatoon for the Wii U, in comparison, is a shooter I'm willing to…
Disappointing to hear, but I completely understand the positison he is in. He went above and beyond his duty with Smash 4 and I'm sure it was physically and emotionally taxing for him. Looking forward to any Sakurai developed game in the future, but whoever will direct Smash in the future has a lot to prove.
Very nice gestures all in all, but free DLC doesn't fix a rushed and broken game and they better not turn these gestures into habits every time they rush a game into the market. Let's hope this patch fixes the common issues, like the glitches and terrible framerate. Assassin's Creed games should be fewer and further…
This is a very creative way to donate blood for a good cause. It's extremely hard and costly to set up though. I wish the team the best of luck with their Kickstarter.
Serves him right. I'm glad he owned up, apologized, and admitted how stupid it was to publicly use twitter as a medium for dumb jokes. I know that we live in a culture in which rape jokes between friends and during trash talk is acceptable, but doing so when you don't know your opponent personally and the fact that…
I'm glad I pre-ordered, and whoever wanted one of these on day 1 should've done the same. I'm sure it will be available eventually. Everyone should check Nintendo's Online Store from time to time.
For those groaning that Mewtwo isn't standalone, of course Nintendo won't do so and say anything at the moment! Mewtwo is an incentive to own both copies of Smash Bros. If Nintendo announces anything now, then what's the use of this promotion? Nobody will think of getting both copies if Mewtwo standalone is way…
It's a smart way to expose Amiibo, but not without its execution problems.
So the 15 GB day 1 patch wasn't enough to get the multiplayer working decently. Epic fail indeed. Yes, just rush it out to make that November release date, Microsoft. I'll be playing this in three weeks or so as soon as you fix things. But this practice needs to stop.
Steam is not just an American service, you know. Since the quote is from the head of Sega Europe, the headline should be appropriately changed to: the world needs more JRPGs in English! It's not just a desire in North America!
Too bad about not being newcomer friendly. I never played a Dragon Age game nor do I have the time to go back to one right now. I was hoping that the game would backtrack with its lore for newcomers. Looks like I'll be cautious not to give this a try immediately.
Yeah there aren't a lot of DK players online sadly. I really gravitated towards DK in Smash 4. He's a much, much better character with an improved ground up-B that has super armor and a lot of options in the air. I particularly love spiking people with the down B in the air as it's a new move for this version and very…
Really? That's too bad. I was looking forward to a few changes here and there.
Bowser Jr. has some projectile shinannigens that I initially used to have trouble with but I adapted quickly for some reason. With Roselina and Robin, I just can't find myself navigating their minefields even when I know what to do. Maybe it's because I main Donkey Kong and Bowser. I have Samus and Mega Man as back…
What's nice about some of Mac's Smash attacks is the insane range and the added super armor ability with some of them. I feel that Mac sometimes has better priorities with his Smash even though they're risky to use as you mentioned.
I main Donkey Kong which explains why Roselina destroys me. But I have Mega Man and Samus as back-up secondaries which are both projectile-based. I find that I tend to not beat her even when I'm using my back-ups. Luma really screws me up in particular. I try to use the separation tactic by killing Luma when I can but…
I know a lot of people will point their grievences as to what character feels overpowered. To me, a scrub or spammy Little Mac can be dealt with due to his terrible air game. Even though I don't play as him, it takes skill to master Little Mac even though he's a bit on the overpowered side. Nothing game breaking…