Kinda ironic that they're claiming so the picture displayed above is a female sniper from the rear view in a rather skimpy outfit. Who fights in suits like that? Seriously?
Kinda ironic that they're claiming so the picture displayed above is a female sniper from the rear view in a rather skimpy outfit. Who fights in suits like that? Seriously?
It's definitely much more powerful than the original Xbox. Nonetheless, who says a game has to be about textures? The original Xenoblade looked like an upscaled PS2 game, but damn it's one of the most rewarding JRPGs I've ever played. Final Fantasy XIII and its sequels, in contrast, look like heaven on Earth, but the…
Agreed. FFXV looks promising though. But I'm way more excited for Xenoblade.
Yep. It's not about the textures at all. The first Xenoblade truly opened my eyes regarding this fact. While the game looked outdated, it played brilliantly. One of my absolute favorite RPGs ever and gave me similar feelings of the PS1 era of Final Fantasy games.
Yeah same here. It really does have that Star Ocean vibe, a series which I absolutely adore.
I was just saying this in jest in terms of critical acclaim, not sales-wise. They're both JRPGs with similar open world concepts. While it's still early to judge, Xenoblade can compete with the likes of FFXV judging by what I'm seeing.
I'm saying it relative to the Wii's horsepower.
And I thought the first Xenoblade was overwhelmingly huge. This looks to trumph it thanks to the Wii U's horsepower. Final Fantasy XV better watch its back. The vague targeting 2015 release date worries me though. I was expecting to play it first quarter 2015.
Gotta say that I'm really impressed despite not being a fan of saturated FPSes. I will reserve my judgement on launch on whether or not the FPS mode is truly integrated and works for GTA gameplay, but this is a unique addition.
While the hashtag will continue, whatever value GamerGate used to have has now been crushed under the negativity it caused. Bad mainstream exposure on Colbert is more than enough to have the rational GGers move on and do their own thing. I wouldn't want to be associated with GG at this point if I was a sane…
That was very entertaining to watch. Anita composed herself quite well considering Colbert's Star Power and his sarcastic but truthful retorts. While I disagree with some of Anita's way of thought, and I do think that some GamerGate supporters are not as how she perceives them, this interview marks the death of…
I picked Blacksmith. Not sure if it's the optimal choice though. I'm 2 hours in though and I'm really enjoying the gameplay. Thinking of switching to miner or hunter now because I noticed that a lot of the materials that I need for weapon crafting require some sort of ore or stuff like leather and wool. Thoughts?…
I will support this. Even though I own the original, I never played it. Never got around to it, unfortunately. Its battle system really suits my liking. Kind of reminds me of Vagrant Story and Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter.
I think the best time for a good Korra game is after the series is over. The game may serve as an excellent tool to extend the universe and tell another chapter in the tale. It doesn't need to be an adaptation. All it needs is a decent budget, a passionate developer, and suppory from the creators of the series. Easier…
Excellent article and really good observations. I'm going to play the devil's advocate here. As much as I disagree with all the fear tactics which were used by the sick side of GamerGate supporters, the movement essentially worked. Sites are waking up. People are discussing gaming journalism and corruption. Everyone's…
I never argued against making a sequel. Technically, Brawl and Smash 4 are sequels to Melee whether the vets like it or not. Also, I don't think Nintendo or the developers will look at it the same way you do; i.e. Smash 4 being Brawl 2.
Personally, that's like taking the cheap route in developing a sequel in a series that's great as Smash. I don't think that that would move as much Wii U copies as a full fledged sequel would. They were originally going to do that for Brawl if Sakurai disagreed to join as a director. I say if you have the passion,…
This is a very smart DLC offer to encourage users to buy both versions of the game. I'm sure he will be an individual paid DLC character down the road, but that will be awhile. I don't mind this at all. It makes me feel more special since I invested in the 3DS version.
It's not GamerGate that's causing tirade, it's the medium which it's primarily communicating in: tweets. Twitter is such a terrible and toxic place for an intelligent movement like this to prosper. Because anybody can use the hashtag, and suddenly the purposes of this movement changes to harrassment of anybody.
First game that had voice-acted swearing for me was Conker's Bad Fur Day for the n64. I'm not sure whether the F-bomb was censored in that game or not, but man that game was over the top with its dialogue. Damn funny game.