
This is where I wind up, too. In general, unless someone is being hurt within a relationship (physically, mentally), I don’t view it as my business how anyone decides to conduct their private life. I have no issue with open relationships in their many incarnations. But we’re not talking about that. We’re talking about

This is a very problematic topic. For example, if you have two people who both agree that they will marry but will be comfortable with some straying within some specific parameters, then hey! Go for it! I do believe that traditional marriage isn’t necessarily a one-size-fits-all thing.

Anybody seen this awesomeness going around?

It is 15% in Canada! But (in Ontario at least) the tipped minimum wage is $8 and some change. They even got a raise this week! $.25! Usually people just round up the taxes (13%)

15% is standard in Canada if that helps. We are considered stingy when we go down south, but we expect wait staff to make Minimum at least. (though as shitty as it is, they have a lower minimum by 2$ an hour)

15% might have been the norm in 1975. If you’ve been dining out this century I really hope you’ve been tipping 20%.

Kitchenette: where people come to anonymously boast about how much they tip.

Around my neck of the woods, it’s more like it was 15% into the late 1990’s and then went to 18%. 20% as the norm is a pretty recent thing.

That might be the most miserable looking model I have ever seen, which might be saying something.

My first thought, was the game must’ve been as boring as a baseball game can get, and they can get soooo boring. But hey, a group of girls having fun in spite of yawn fest in front of them and it’s sacrilege! Seriously people need to lighten up. I do love their response though. Good for them.

I wondered when this comment would pop up.

They don’t need to, which makes this whole thing they’re doing even classier.

I was coming here to say this exactly. Men taking selfies after being encouraged to = a real super fan trying to participate in the game activities. Women taking selfies after being encouraged to = vapid, vain, self-involved idiots, probably just at the game to flirt and ogle players.

They were participating in a promotion that involved taking selfies put on by the stadium. It had just been announced right before this clip.

why the fuck should they need to respond?

These ladies are class acts. And I think it is so bad ass how they subtlety and productively proved everyone wrong. (Including myself)

Oh that’s the “controversy”? That people weren’t paying sufficient attention to a baseball game? Right, because it all happens so fast, lol. I couldn’t figure out why this was a story, and I’m still kind of confused.

When did 20% get to be the standard? I’m not complaining but I recall 15% being the norm and then it’s 20%.

Note: I am in no way defending either the letter writer or the responder from Uexpress. I think we can all agree they are both shitty people.

“Stiffing him by taking the 20 percent off is exactly what he deserved.”