In Doug's Defense, he has TWICE taken the Rangey on the beach in its natural habitat (Nantucket). So, there's that...
In Doug's Defense, he has TWICE taken the Rangey on the beach in its natural habitat (Nantucket). So, there's that...
Not to mention everyone with a bmw, corvette or even *gasp* a miata.
What I learned from this experience is simple: most pickup truck owners don’t care what they need. They care only what they want.
Do you work for tesla?
“Instead of defining a bunch of rules of driving, Hotz opted to have the car “watch” him drive and learn from that.”
“Instead of defining a bunch of rules of driving, Hotz opted to have the car “watch” him drive and learn from that.”
the typos actually LEND credibility iyam
Starred, despite the typos.
This guy build is own car, now the car companies hate him.
If it’s not nailed down it’s yours, and if you can cut down all the guards with a machine gun then obviously it wasn’t very well nailed down.
When I wrote that comment I thought about this haha
I don’t steal things. If I want something, I just murder the inhabitants and take it.
I’m helping everyone, so I can finish out all the quest lines. After I’ve finished though, I will systematically go back and kill everyone in the wasteland once I’m done... No one is safe (I’m looking at you, Trashcan Carla).
I don’t steal things. If I want something, I just murder the inhabitants and take it. Just murder your way through the Brotherhood and you’re good. That said, my character is avoiding helping the Brotherhood because he doesn’t take orders from anyone, even for cool tech.
So you missed the part where it was $10?
So you missed the part where it was $10?
plus it’s a great source of cloth, probably the only one you need if you pick up pre-war money consistently
How the hell is Ford's trademark on "Model ANYTHING" still valid?
or, they can expand thier line up to F/O/R/D /S/U/X