
I mean, plenty of RPGs have rather arbitrary crafting systems with messy values.

I bet one day physics engine will be so good, developers will have to create these bugs on purpose

Just XSX or XSS probably. 

I remember how much was changed and added during TW3's lifespan. Entire gameplay systems were added after I had finished the game. The menus were completely redone.

Easy mode is back there, really. By the time you play Demon’s Souls enough to unlock that door the game will feel quite easy to you. Easy mode unlocked! It was in you all along. 💖

What is this? From what I can tell, this is an article that states someone is working while having been previously accused for sexual harrassment.

It’s my understanding that most of these accusations came about after the employees wanted more control of the company. Were they just sitting on these allegations until they didn’t get what they wanted? And what’s the actual vision for some guy who had repercussions for his actions anyway? We just follow him and his

Wonder when Fire Emblem Awakening will get a Switch port at this point. Also, can I just vent that I don’t really care for Kotaku’s main page? I have no idea what’s recent and what’s not recent anymore with the new layout. So I just wait a week and come back because at that point it’ll all be new to me.

There should be at least a minimum amount of quality control on the eShop

neither does having a particular setpiece or a particular character quirk or any other component of a good story, when you think about it. The same gameplay and the same story is completely possible without almost any individual component that comprises it. But boy, are you sure ever declaring that gender identity is

“Thank you for creating a bondage and sado masochism “Yuri””

This is nonsense. How is he supposed to know what ‘creepy’ is? She is the one who started a creepy conversation for thanking him for his bdsm character, to which he seems visibly off[it by his first line.

I read the conversation, I think this is more cringey than anything else and she could have also asked him to stop at any times but she didn’t and instead is just waiting for the internet to fight for her.

No one has to bow down to an ideaology. BLM is many different things and it’s fair to not agree with some ideas they adopt. BLM are well within their right to do their thing, but the idea that everyone must just bend the knee to a movement or they’re ostracized is terrifying, and if you dont think so then you might

Why can’t we just stop referring to humans as black and white when they aren’t those colours.

None of this is race related. It’s all made up by soft people with no spine, a victim complex (Karens), and are attention seeking. Call it husband/ wife. Who cares? No one with working brains. 

Probably because Australia is PAL territory, SCEE is taking care of the australian market as well. Just a guess from my side tho. 

This is a pretty misleading title. It’s worded like it’s hard for newcomers to take advantage of this sale, when in actuality, that’s not the situation. FFXIV “really doesn’t want you trying it again” because that’s not what the sale is. The sale going on gives away the base game for free, but you already bought the

This is better than yoga. This is starting with a brain full of tension and burden and watching it slowly release over the course of 20+ minutes. I am not kidding, I feel so much more relaxed after watching.