
don’t pls

exactly what I have been wondering. There are “professional” market analysyts... can they really be so stupid to make such short sighted calculations, or is the world really filled with so many morons, and the people we see here having the intelligence to see something is wrong are actually a tiny minority, that it is

I’d bet that it does...the Halo 5 micro transaction sales were absolutely staggering despite all sorts of bitching and moaning by the gamers.

Yup 2018 Goty mega steam sale purchase for me now.

You have to wonder if the microtransactions make enough to offset the loss from day 1 buyers jumping ship to second hand or heavily discounted versions..

Yup. I’ll wait until GS has it used cheap or a good sale. I have to believe this came from WB and not Monolith.

Gone from day 1 to 2018 discounted.

Nothing screams confidence in your gameplay like advertising a product to skip it all.

Not out or even shown yet. My money is depending on if he 3DS version sells better, the may sneak a variation of the 3DS retro presentation into the game. Despite being announced a while ago, Square Enix wasn’t prepped for this version just like Nintendo wasn’t prepped for demand of the Switch itself worldwide.

There is no way the Switch outsells either of those versions, the install base is just too large on the 3DS and PS4.

I can’t tell you this is an accurate depiction of what Joel Goodman and Playdek did with $660,126, but I also can’t tell you it isn’t an accurate depiction of what Joel Goodman and Playdek did with $660,126.

No release date has even been announced for the Switch version yet (or screenshots/videos for that matter)

It’s not out yet.

Something tells me that Square and Nintendo both would have even more angry customers who were unable to procure their copy. DQ is Japans nation favourite video game series. Portable consoles do great in Japan. The PS4 version is favoured because of it’s high-end presentation and gameplay, the 3DS version still sells

There isn’t even a hard release date on that yet. We don’t know which graphics style they’re using for Switch, there hasn’t been so much as a trailer. I feel like it’s at LEAST 6 months out.

What about the Switch version?

As long as they put the same level of care and dedication into this project as they did the much lauded Barbie & Her Sisters: Puppy Rescue, they have my absolute trust.

Just let me know when I can spend my JP

We will never play this game

No ethernet port and they have the gall to charge $90 for this...