
and I can't use a real mouse and keyboard to play Halo

Here is your big difference...

@Seamus McClernan: I don't know if you're into antiques, but I've got something 600 million years old I want to show you.

I'm tired of tiny art books. I don't care if you have to give me a bigger box and shit costs more that is what a special edition is for. I want another art book like Bioshock 2, or even better, the Half Life 2 Raising the Bar. I wasn't even balls deep about that game but I still bought a 60 dollar art book. As for

I agree with a law banning the sale to minors. I'm not saying the kids shouldn't play the games I definitely played a million violent games growing up, but my parents were ok with it and bought the games for me.

The thing of Twilight is the same thing as Playboy or porn. Girls see dudes go balls deep over airbrushed to perfection girls and self conscious. A lot of dudes have the same reaction to seeing the huge chic wood girls are getting for a chump like Edward.

As far as the universe goes, it is definitely extensive, the problem is that the game doesn't have mass appeal. I am much more likely to declare Halo this generation's Star Wars. The universe is also extensive and it's far more of a household name. Kids aren't out there pretending to be Commander Sheppard in their

@autob0n: I agree that ME doesn't have the fantasy aspect to it, which I really do miss. The argument was that the game had a universe that could potentially produce an Expanded Universe like Star Wars does with said Thrawn trilogy.

@MR. FAP☆FAP! 。◕‿◕。: I won't flip out like I'm sure some would at your argument for Star Fox, it could be persuasive if it were true. Saying SF is a FPS is like saying Asteroids is a FPS. An FPS may need to include those 3 basic facts but, the inclusion of those 3 things doesn't make it an FPS.

Could be better. Looks like they brought her up to date with the 80s. The actual character is just too weak, but too iconic to die, like Superman. Batman got re-written into a gritty vigilante in the 70s and 80s, maybe they should work on the character before they start on mediocre outfit refits.

He is trying to put a positive spin on a negative issue. The fact is he is trying to make a shooter on a control scheme that doesn't allow for a standard console FPS control config. Before people can start jumping on the "this is gonna have shitty controls" bandwagon, he establishes the idea that by brute forcing a

Its good to know people can still think of original class/race combinations like an elven ranger and a halfling rogue.

@Walking Eye!: uhhh... the scotch already comes in glass... why do you need a second one

This is the problem Japanese developers are facing. They are stuck in the concept that they are creating something independent of the player, like a movie. The fact is the Player adds another dimension to be accounted for. The cost of creating a game these days is too high to not at least try to make a "one size

Predator 2 is entertaining, but that is as much credit as I can give it without feeling sick. It made the predator seem like a pussy, and showed too much of him. There are also a ton of flaws in his motives, for instance when he destroys everyone in the subway car just for the sake of it... as if that scene wasn't

@monkeybiziu: at least suicide mission sticks to the character. Optimus was always written as a completely by the books hero archetype, making dumb sacrifices just kind of goes with that.

All I want is for Optimus to be like he was in the first one. Bloodthirsty Murder-King Optimus from the second one destroyed my memories of he who was my surrogate father.

@CitizenC: Peter never had to deal with racism. That is what makes him intrinsically white.

I got this song as the sun was setting through the Mexican Mesas, I peed a little. I couldn't even make myself start my horse running, I just walked him enjoying the ambiance it was too amazing.