
Despite the numerous replies you've gotten hating on this point of view I will 100% back you up. Everyone thinks the world is against them and that by complaining about it they are going to fix the problem. This quote illustrates it perfectly because he wasn't even generalizing the entirety of women as people who

Received my new 4s last weekend and didn't really have any issues. Updated over the air yesterday and it was quick, painless and don't have any issues as a result.

Not a touchscreen. Not impressed.

Yeah, live traffic actually works pretty well methinks!

It seems to me that our country has gotten too big for it's britches. Our population is so diverse and our problems are so many that it's impossible to appropriately correct any one issue. There are too many minorities, special interests and ideologies at play that we spread ourselves too thin, throwing money we don't

That just leads to the question of why they don't convert more 747s that would end up in the boneyard in to THIS!

I'm more concerned by the fact that there's FIVE condoms ready to go and she's got the biggest smile you could ever imagine.

Both have their welcome place, and developers are large enough these days to produce both at once. If they aren't then sequels are given off to a smaller developer while a new property is developed.

The problem with that line of thinking is that the Internet is very quickly becoming a utility that people need to exist everyday, akin to electricty, water and gas. Obviously that is something one can argue with on a separate day and time, but the basic premise is quite accurate. For MOST Americans, you need internet

Atari has the rights to D&D for like 6 more years. Wizards made a huge mistake that I'm sure they regret, have tried to get out of, and didn't see coming cause Bioware was making so much money for Atari with the license. It is brutal cause Atari is doing next to nothing with the license, and even setting aside the

Campaigns have been shortening consistently over the years as the cost of development goes up and the realization that multiplayer is gong to sell more copies becomes more brazen. The formula for success is an amazing single player game backed by a good multiplayer experience. This brings a large core audience in

I really haven't been too bothered by the new format of the website, but I just clicked on this story on Gizmodo, which linked me to Gawker, which was linking to the actual article back on Gizmodo. That's stupid.

Well, the $13 CD wasn't a money making CD. Just before CDs practically crapped themselves, they were saying that the just HAD to raise prices back to like $20. And that's what it used to be. But digital started devaluing their product. But either way, $10 is better than $13.

Ever since I got my Sigg a couple of years ago, I do actually feel so much better than those snobby plastic bottle blowhards. Ahhh superiority...

The latter is better for EVERYONE. Including the publishers and authors. The one thing you're not mentioning is costs for the publisher. You make it sound as though their overhead costs are transferable between the two. They're not. With a digital model, after book number 1, there are no marginal costs whatsoever.

It's not what you want that matters, unfortunatley. It's what most people want (or are told what they want).

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't adding more ports also add to the motherboard and potential add to size/weight? Not saying they couldn't, but I know from opening up previous iPhones that they cram that stuff in there pretty dang tight, if you know what I mean...

Doubley recommended. They do not mess around, either.

Personally I think the actual draw and artistry of Open World games is making that freedom interesting. Realistically I would have appreciated a much more linear Red Dead Redemption, Fallout3/NV though deserve their freedom. Much of the fun and wonder I felt in Fallout was just wandering around stumbling on a small