
@Teran: It's just low class. I love it at events like E3 (the old one) where I'm not going there to get anything but eyecandy and hot news. But at an event like PAX, that I would go to seeking more knowledge about games I already know something about they serve no purpose.

@bsin21: hahahaha damn i didn't check this soon enough but for comedies sake...

One of the main problems I've found and I now avoid doing is introducing people to a game from the start of the game. This is point of accessibility. Modern Warfare is hugely successful thanks to multiplayer cause you just jump in and destroy. GTA4 gives you a quick intro video and then hands the reins over. The

the way microsoft is already approaching this says that it's not going to be just another gimmick like the vision camera. I have no desire to buy one at all cause I haven't seen any functionality that i want yet but the things i've seen the thing do warrant that price tag. This doesn't look like some slopped

For an industry so driven towards accessibility for the public it is mind bottling that this isn't a standard, especially for such a simple thing to code.

@Areinu: You can roughly simplify Pokemon's success down to 2 things

@bakagaijin: I would actually call it Selective Judgement. Out of roughly 40 games I own about 12 of them are shooters. Sure it's more than any other specific genre I own, but it's no where near enough for me to complain about not getting enough variety in my games. This doesn't even factor in Arcade libraries.

A lot of people seem to be saying it won't be a problem as long as it's an option. HD was an option too, till Dead Rising's HD text.

Agreed, Bungie needs to broaden their horizon and this deal is the perfect time. They are one of the hottest developers around so their freedom and asset availability from publishers will be far more extensive than most companies. I'm hoping for an RPG of some sort.

@fiffer86: Bethesda popped out Fallout3, notably a shooter compared to Eldar Scrolls, Epic went from FPS to online FPS, to coop 3rd person, Valve has an extensive line up from story driven FPS to online team FPS to a puzzle franchise in the first person, and lastly Insomniac is platformers and FPS. Every company you

I am also dissapointed by this one, the inconsistancies with Halo canon is probably its worst fault. It also just has no emotional weight, the music isn't epic or sad or anything. With ODST I could feel the honor that they were trying to convey, this bares none of that.

I think this is a problem that is holding Capcom back from becoming a global publisher. By trying to make sure that all your games carry the unique feel of a "Capcom Game" you end up ruining a lot of them. My best example is Dead Rising, that game was a great idea with really fun gameplay, that was crippled by a

@p.e.r.e.g.r.i.n.e.: You could ague you still win at tag by never being "it" or at least assuming the least time in the position. The option of a stalemate exists in chess too which he clearly acknowledges as a game. I'm not saying it is my opinion that without winning there is no game, I just admit that it is a

I find multiple problems with Ebert's approach to his argument, chief among them is his refusal to even play these games. His search for a definition of art seems inconsequential compared to his misunderstanding of the definition of a game. Constantly likening it to chess and majong, blissfully ignorant to the idea

That is like saying The Predator was bad cause it was full of nothing but archetypes. Expecting more from Halo is like hoping Commando is gonna have a cameo by fucking MacBeth. The game isn't about breaking the mold for characters, it felt more like it was about perfecting that mold. I can't think of a more perfect