
David, if you look back in the past you’ll see that I usually support your efforts, especially the ones that abhor folks with some common sense. This Jeep is where I draw the line. It’s a pile of dust held together by paint. I am going to have to request you repent and return to your roots. Go build an XJ. 

Guys get the straitjacket, it’s time for an intervention.

So, I had made a declaration a few years ago when some folks swore up and down that the FF 91 would be made. It stated that I would run down the middle of Austin’s 6th Street on a UT game day Saturday Night in nothing but a speedo if Faraday Future sold more cars than Fisker sold Karmas.

I’m not, actually

HEB ships nationwide! That one fact makes the Midwest bearable for this displaced Texan.

I’m so sorry that you’ve never had Whataburger ketchup. I know it’s a Texas thing, but it is sublime, and you can buy it at HEB/Central Market right next to the Heinz. Which I also like.

Sheeeeeit. Nothing wrong with a little patina.

Nice! What year, 1980?

All Hail Dents!

It was picked up not because of anything he was wearing, but a bit more to do with how he climbed on a moving schoolbus and went batshit.

WTF did they use to record this, another Chiron?

Cannot say anything about ashtrays, because it’s now not politically correct... even if sometimes I ask myself where the heck I should put my candy wrap.... bus sure I miss the roof rain gutters, when I get showered as soon as I crack a window open in the rain. Or worse (and it gets me at ALL times), when it’s stopped

Big ashtrays. Roof rain gutters. Not resonating like a subwoofer when I have a back window down.

Rule number 2, even old hondas had 7-digit odos so if it was rolled over it would be 1,024,000.0 miles and wouldn’t look like this.

Maybe I’m wrong, but the volume of air gas coming out of the tail pipe should be quite a bit more than the air going into the intake. I didn’t see him address that at all. He simply calculated the volume based on the displacement * rpm to get the output.

Disclaimer here - I cannot watch the video without comment from coworkers. And maybe I’m forgetting some chemistry here.

But how would the balloons accurately reflect air consumption?

^ Trump voter.

Love your posts, the main reason I visit Jalopnik. I’ll read about rust bucket clunker projects all day.

For fun, here’s a look at the body from underneath (that’s the steering column coming up from the engine bay, and the big hole is for the trans/transfer case shifters):

I knew there was a reason I kept coming back here. Thanks for clearing that up!