
silence troll.

of course - you are right in everything, random dragonfly troll mouth-breathing moron, my mis-spent eighteen years in post production have been destroyed by your random links.

wrong. its terrible for music videos - that is actually one of its worst areas given that you have to flood the primary with the music to keep sync and edit in the secondary storyline - no wait hang on - you haven't actually got a clue what you're talking about, do you? nice talking to you - rent-a-rant.

you are never going to see a freelance gig calling for FCPX bud. It sleeps with the fishes.

i just kind of really dislike it. Its a mish mash of apple conventions from iphoto, imovie, there's a dam awkwardly wedged in there, there's way too much chrome, it defaults as an iphoto dated chronological events repository for god's sake -

how did you find the fact that the in and out points and overwrite default to the primary?

oi! watch the fanatics language please.

i've had a bit of a revelation - android is starting to look properly good. And that after this long, I think I'm locked into the apple eco-system. Everything from shazam to simplnote, the image editing apps, itunes. If it wasn't for all that stuff - my next phone would be an android. just for the change even.

herb, berb.

I cannot tell if you are insane.

wellll, it depicts accurately the behaviour in the moment.. the level of effort the BBC put into the series overall is staggering - and it was as good as anything i've seen on television in years. As public service broadcasting, its nearly tolkein level big as a natural history series?

NOT DELAWARE. he said in a solemn loud voice.

ah sure come on now. New York's great.

they actually really are. that's very blown up.

that, my son, was script phonetic pronunciation, just like you find in the dictionary.

i still really love that illustration. its the best thing I've seen on gizmodo in quite a while.

that's actually rather an excellent illustration. very tomi ungerer.

as a mass market single hand mobile device, making the screen real estate larger than the thumb's ability to control the OS is flawed thinking - its not choice, its lazy differentiation. A four inch device does not declare itself only appropriate for non bell curve standard thumb articulation.

no more jobs, no more mega presentations. that stuff is over I'd say - bar maybe the big OS demos or what have you.

we need to get out of facebook. its getting very soylent green.