
I violently approve of this comment.

there's only one place to build this store: south London.

yes. I'd like to start feeding my preferred Reader stuff through G+

Hence the new layout for Gmail's page. Altogether airier and cleaner, the "Gmail" is in plaintext - all the functionality you'd expect from Google.

I demand a return to gil amelio and the trusty performa series.

"paralyzed by genital turgidity" quote enclosed, will now get you 84,200 on google.

nope. it really is the thumb there socceryo3, you can see the fat pad of the thumb going down away from it. its resting on his massively distorted thumb and forefinger.

the french photo is skewed and non uniform scaled. its very obvious. his thumb below is as long as a finger - they've pixellated around to make it less obvious. Also the antenna break on the right is very distorted from the photoshoppery.


we'll see. I think they might yet be in something like a mortal situation. metro is very good mind you.

just look at, and think about say - .net, passport, their conception of win mobile 6.0 to 6.5, what their tablets were supposed to be, their inability to charge for carpet floor mobile OS's, the embarrassment of vuze, the ludicrous posting of photoshop pics for an app store they even haven't figured out yet..

ah microsoft, you big old slow flatulent confused bear you.

can we not bury him yet? he looked OK at the ipad 2 launch.

hang on - just to be straight - so... the intimation might be that gizmodo, the desperate outpost of an eight limbed, nightmarish, language dissolving SEO gawker machine, is engaged in headless over pumping of headlines with no regard to content in an attempt to slake and sooth the insane ad distorted corporate

yes, and yes. they refused to ay for 'beautiful day' from U2 - thats what the credits were done to. it worked really well.

"it was incredibly challenging, we really had a goal to push it to the next level, so then we set about slowly burning and dying in a horrible artistic/technical fire of failure, producing a nightmarishly unconvincing homunculus that both unsettled and irritated cinema goers, who could be heard whispering - 'didnt

ah right - although i swear to god - i am in my special place. this is viking doctor who.

this trailer, this moffat, this doctor - it is the cumulative everliving balls. I really do like this trailer.

matt smith may be in the process of becoming the sheer absolute heavy hanging golden bollocks.

there's savage, there's the eleven dial, there's a line like 'fear me..' and then there is THIS FRIGGING TRAILER.