gizmodo again dutifully reporting on another persons report there. Some fine Huffpost repurposing of other people's content going on here.
gizmodo again dutifully reporting on another persons report there. Some fine Huffpost repurposing of other people's content going on here.
gizmodo again dutifully reporting on another persons report there.
I just checked the sidebar - there isn't a single review or analysis of a current or upcoming piece of technology generated by gizmodo. what is this blog? Anything specific to technology, you're like the huffington post - you just regurgitate another sites story.
more like it. nobody has new york post/times style broken down the meeting like this to this point. this is giz no? you're still getting screwed by the uber network design edicts tho. you're taking traffic hits - homogenous design decisions for various audiences are fools gold - this page would work for gawker or the…
also the thor thing is i09 right? Libya post is vaguely gawker. Bottom line it doesn't feel like this place represents a staff who care about technology. You feel like you've been swallowed by papa bear? Fight it out Giz!
this isn't getting any better - now we're talking about spiders. Any discussion about nokia? the three way play? the death of domestic 3D tv?
Giz, this isn't good. It's not good at all. Even popular mechanics would call out out a new polymer resin on the handle. What the hell is going on? There's almost no focused tech, half of everything is reposted from engadget, is this a tech blog?
I'm not sure this is a tech site anymore. the fonts sizes are everywhere, I don't know what's going on between left and right of the page, and they haven't had a simple chat about a piece of kit in god knows how long. giz is in serious gawker trouble.
all the international links are messed up too. also I can't copy and paste the header anywhere. there is self immolation going on here.
this place is kind of screwed. maybe not digg screwed, but this is all messed up. it's all over the shop.
nahhh, I just mean It feels almost more like a gawker, huffpo feel, that they're happy just pointing out what's going on around the web. engadget feels more like its chasing product, reviews and announcements, when giz wants to do that stuff - it just links to engadget.
thats not the real thing - as the guy in the comments says, this feels like apple PR trying to deflect attention from the real thing, which is this:
I'm not being snotty or what have you, but lately it seems like everything i read on giz, I've read somewhere else within the last hour.
It's near grace this. Us.
they won't be able to, unless its made out of crap.
@zeco: i thank you sir.
I kind of think they're re-introducing desktop complexity. the house of an android tablet has a lot of layered rooms and interlocking grammar.
Fair play to you.
you're completely lifting the elements of this without attribution?
you do realise the samsung is wildly more expensive than the MB air?