@Mister Jack sells his body to buy games :(: I totally know what you mean. I just finished it last night. I spent several hours building each persons loyalty and upgrading their equipment and weapons.
@Mister Jack sells his body to buy games :(: I totally know what you mean. I just finished it last night. I spent several hours building each persons loyalty and upgrading their equipment and weapons.
I want the shirt in picture 3.
@Y-bot: I'm going into the US Air Force to be a linguist. I don't know which language yet though.
@KofreZ: Don't feel like an idiot; I didn't think of that either. =]
@Hahaue: Yeah, me too.
I love number 4.
There is just to much Mass in this game to be (Effect)ive as a movie. The movie would have to be 8 hours long.
I like this list.
I have to go with Batman: AA.
@TaylorEatWorld: A Cormorant is a type of water bird. I have no idea where spaghetti comes in though.
Well, I guess I'm a sick bastard, because that trailer made me laugh hysterically.
@spiderweb1986: Good point, but I don't think anyone else could have been Mufasa. Despite being famous for other roles, and automatically recognizing his voice, he still fit the role like a glove.
This looks like the guilty pleasure game of the year for me.
So basically I'll wait until the "Super Elite" becomes the standard, then look for a discounted 120gb elite.
@FigNewton: Took the words right out of my mouth, though a good deal more eloquently.
I really, really do not want 3D to become the new standard.
@Koztah: For now...
The main difference, besides being a tv or game system...
I dunno, My laptop has THX certified 2.1 sound. That set me back $170 though.