
High five for gentlemen vanguard Shepards! That's exactly how I play.

Totally read that in Morgan Freeman's voice. I'm still giggling like a maniac.

All the back country roads near Blacksburg, VA. Some long scenic passes, plenty of curves, and not that many people frequenting them. I can't wait until I move back and try out my new altima coupe there.

Crazy people, making us Altima drivers look bad. In my defense, I drive the coupe.

High five for the 94 Concorde, that was my first car! It came from my parents in my case though.

Anybody else notice that the time stamp in the top left corner says "2000/01/18"? hmmmmmmm

Take all the goofy-ass vinyls off, and make the interior a lot more understated, then its a NP. As is, oh god no.

Why'd ya get FFXIII on 360? I'm only curious, not trying to come off as judgemental.

There is a steelcase in this one as theirscuddles noted. However, I personally strongly dislike steelcases. I like it when the retail box is in a collectors edition, mostly because I like to have all my game cases alphabetized and uniform. Yes, I am OCD about having my games neat und tidy!

Damn, wrong Bellevue. I was excited for a minute there

Heh, two puns in one, I like it

I'm 21 now! Time to chill out with friends playing pool over some beers

Well, piloting I can't help you much. As for computers, study algebra, and if you plan on going for the programming job (which is the one I got) brush up on logic. Programming requires an additional test called the EDPT which the other cyber jobs don't require. The ASVAB math section is only high school level algebra

Which branch are you looking at joining? I finished USAF basic training in January and technical training in May, if you have any questions. Also, the ASVAB isn't hard. Just long. Good luck!

It is. Just a very small part in the animated movie, but they sing more of it in the Broadway production. =]

Its Mt. Hood.

Where do you think Assassin's Creed 3 will be set?