
@incubushead: I left it on. Just for entertainment. I mean, I found it funny to be talking to some semi-civilized person in a town, while speckled with blood all over.

I need to finish my massive backlog of games before the awesome games of 2010 start coming out.

I played the demo, and thought that I was going back in time, and not in a good way. It gave me a headache.

@Friedhamster: Not all the time, my grandmother might not understand technical terms, but she has an inquiring mind, and so its easy to discuss technology and video games with her, as long as I'm prepared to explain how a lot of things work.

@Evdor: Oh there was plenty of cleavage. As in bodies being cleaved in two. (zing!)

Playstation 3 for me!

I want to meet a nice girl.

I know I'll have a PS3 under the tree tomorrow, along with Demon's Souls.

She's really pretty.

@The Cap'n: Zombieland is brilliant. (if you don't try to think during the movie)

@MrFuzzyPants: Yes, I see what you mean. I think it has more to do with her facial structure though.

@Xagest: Remake of Yellow version?

Well first, bring in a group of Kotaku commenters (as well as the usual game journalists) to play selections of my company's games, to see which they feel has the most potential.

Gamecube would be awesome in a console duel. Its got a handle. One smack against another console and the other one goes flying away crashing into the floor or wall, while the GC remains safely in your hands.

Mmmm, Fruity Pebbles.

Aw man, I wish I had seen this before I got a copy for my 360.