
You mean Ghost Bill McNamara, the Ghost Senior VP of Development for the Northeast Region and three-time corporate sales leader (for years 1898, 1911, 2003)?

We must also consider that this is only the number of women willing to pursue these legal avenues. There’s probably a lot more in the company that feel the same way but just don’t feel like involving themselves.

I agree. The man with the mustache on the end of the table is disappearing into the spirit world in the middle of the courtroom and no one is reacting.

Maybe but I doubt he looks like that sketch.

It’s Colonel Sanders, and he’s pissed that this is how he’s spending his afterlife!

And I would’a got away with it too!!

Where are you getting your data, cupcake?

Remember when we couldn’t elect Hillary because she was a hawk who would start wars?

I appreciate how the artist really took their time filling out her lips but couldn’t be bothered to give the guy an eye.

When men need to pay a quarter every time they need to get toilet paper in a public restroom, maybe i’ll give a shit what you think.

You got that Judge Joe Brown intense look in your eye
And I got that red lip, courtroom sketch that you like
And when we go to court, we file a lawsuit every time
Check out my courtroom style, my courtroom style

Kind of seems like the wrong thing to be focusing on here

Forget Taylor Swift why is there a mustachioed ghost at the end of her table?!?!

I loved her for that.

It bring to mind RBG’s response to how many women is too many women on SCOTUS.

It’s in Australia. I don’t think their demographics are the same as ours and, anyways, the money collected goes to a place that helps aboriginal women. It’s a cafe, they’re not taxing anything anyone can’t live without if paying a bit more is a hardship.

Sorry, my universal gibberish translator is broken.

People like that guy are patently incapable of understanding that there is a difference between equity and equality.

“I think if you want to fight for equality then surely treating everyone the same is the way to go”