
A lot of women will prefer seeing men in positions of power because women going for it and getting it, triggers them. It triggers them for all the points in their life where they didn’t go for it, or weren’t supported/educated to.... these women only see two choices, feel the pain of the sexism in their own lives that

He was my biggest Hollywood crush, its just so strange thinking I won’t see him in other movies or no more interviews. He had that something special that I don’t find in any men in Hollywood at the moment, maybe Oscar Issac. That inner charisma, like he was lit by the Sun from within. He had the sweetest smile. I wish

I want fashionable tankinis to make a comeback. I’ve never been a bikini or a one piece person, but I love tankini’s. Its just like an outfit, only I want them to be more stylish. If anyone knows any good sites, hook a sister up :)

Im completely with you on this. I am completely happy and at peace with my own company. The idea of bringing someone else into my life especially if it increases any drama or creates any irritation, even if there are good parts is a huge no no for me.

That sucks so much seriously. I hope one day you can be reunited or something. Because I honestly believe dogs are our real soul mates. Im probably making you feel worse, I’m sorry. But I hope things get heaps better for you. They often do, you know, once you get someone who was draining your energy out of your life.

Why did he get the dog? Just the thought of someone taking my dog from me brings tears to my eyes and I’m not even an overly emotional person, so I just have to ask.

Are you me? I feel exactly the same. I’ve never wanted to get married and when I tell people that they think I must hate weddings or something. And I’m like hell nah...food, dancing, nice clothes, nice location... I’m so there no matter the occasion lol. And yes I would defs go to expo for the free stuff. :D

Yeah but I’ve also come across many men who are like I’m only going to date women in early to mid twenties, who disregard women their own age. And so on. And its a really common thing. Maybe consider that side of the story as well. It actually is a really disgusting thing about our society.. you can date someone older

Its definitely icky. I don’t care if people call me judgemental. I think women who are in relationships with men much older can be mature enough to take a step back and see that even if their own relationship is fine, the fact that is a common dynamic in our society is messed up. Its the way the patriarchy likes it.

These photos are life. I am actually saving them all for times I feel low. This is where I’ll get my energy from. It shows a side of women which is so strongly present in me, but I rarely get to see in media/culture/society around me...maybe cause I’m of ethnic origin living in anglo-saxon sort of society. But gosh I

Thanks for the reply. This was exactly what I needed to hear because no one in my real life wants to talk about these things. All I ever get is people getting defensive, or saying things like “it’ll all work out” or “you’re weird”. lol.

I totally agree with you. Its high time that feminism and women in general completely turn their headlights on men. Without men we wouldn’t have feminism. Because without men the oppression and abuse of women wouldn’t be a reality. And the focus of feminism really needs to be ripping apart mens culture and their

This. In fact I would go a step further and say ignore/reject and stay the hell away from guys who aren’t actively educating themselves or being active against this shit. Lines are being drawn ladies, lets make sure we only bring over the men who genuinely support us.

Im saying that Milo has literally mentioned abuse towards every other group out there, but it was the mention of young boy that was his downfall. I think society at large doesn’t think of men getting sexually assaulted, but when it is revealed it is taken more ... I don’t know how to say it, but there’s less of “he

I think most women still aren’t here though. They’re still at that point where they think he needs more education, more instructions etc etc. Women learn this! Men just don’t care!

This in a nutshell. I rather be single for life then spend all my life and all my energy/time explaining simplistic things to another functional adult that I’m supposed to have an “equal” relationship with. Funny how men suddenly discover all these skills when it comes to something with money or power e.g. business,

I liked it, I didn’t notice it until you pointed it out. I guess I’m ok with not having a big voice for this musical, its not a big deal for me.

OK I loved it. I loved Emma, I was happy with her acting, I was happy with her voice. I was wearing a big grin by the end of this little clip. If the whole movie is like this I’ll be happy as a clam.

This, exactly this. 13 year old abuse case of a girl by gym teacher, white noise. 17 year old girl experiences violence with her partner, white noise. Woman of any age experiences any sort of abuse, white noi- ... well actually you wish it was white noise in all the above cases. But instead what you get is “she bought