Yeah, but if Fancy Feast were laced with yogurt chunks...
Yeah, but if Fancy Feast were laced with yogurt chunks...
"Get a bowl going" is indeed proper terminology for what I would do with these cookies and a carton of ice cream.
Cream cheese pizza is the greatest idea ever. This is basically how penicillin was invented, so don't be shy about taking the credit for the greatest culinary innovation of the 21st century.
Aw, shucks.
I was drunk, saw he was on-line, thought he was cute and ignored the grammatical errors in his profile.
Missing paychecks = wage theft, which is a criminal offense in Seattle.
Okay, but seriously, who DOESN'T do this every time Let It Go comes on?
Someone yelled "Go Gators!" from the stands.
On the upside, that baby's eyes will forever sparkle with American freedom (the uniquely American freedom of having to pay 6 figures for the privilege of existing).
There is little in this world that is more infuriating than a power-tripping bureaucrat unwilling to listen to common sense.
I just wish she'd been my daughter. She'd barely have been able to get the word "transgender" out before I threw her in the car to go shopping for a new wardrobe.
Ah yes, the popular Family Last Name-Old Timey First Name formula (eg, Parker Ava, Kendall Jane, Sawyer Faith). It's foolproof! It's how I picked my daughter's name: Muller-Schmidt Temperance.
yeah, exactly. If just reading and being exposed to this nonsense messed me up as much as it did — I'm talking years of intense anxiety, guilt and self-doubt — imagine how bad it is for kids whose parents go the next step and actually send them to "treatment." Kids like Leelah.
I don't disagree with you. They are accountable. I just think it's important to see that their actions do not exist in a vacuum, and that there is so much brainwashing and shaming in the evangelical movement that the movement itself also bears responsibility for this girl's suicide.
Obviously, someone lit the black flame candle on Halloween and he has since been busily consuming the souls of the young.
Girl, you are a tough badass to have lived this. To have even a tenth of your strength is to be stronger than most people.
So far it seems like all of the discussion about where the blame lies has been directed entirely at her parents. I'm also interested in blaming the bullshit Christian ex-gay trans-denying movement that I'm 100% sure they were swept up in. I speak from personal experience as a lesbian whose parents bought into all…