
I just avoid all the various questions and problems that are associated with weddings and proper gift-giving and so on by avoiding all weddings. Once my brothers and best friend had their weddings long ago, I retired from attending any more. It's never caused an issue.

If you go to the Wikipedia page that lists the many, many cognitive biases and read every article, you start to realize that the way we perceive many aspects of the world is so problematic that it's surprising that people can ever agree on the details about anything that may or may not have happened.

Gillian looked great in makeup for her Guardians of the Galaxy role. Loved it, loved the colors (I don't think I ever saw her bald without the costuming). Despite my preference for pixie cuts of varying styles, there are several other actors I can think of that looked amazing either buzzed or bald.

I don't see the big deal. No one has to do any sexual things they don't want to do. As long as the rule is disclosed reasonably early, more power to her.

Very possible. But I'm an old guy, and a good pixie cut is my favorite kind of haircut/style on a woman. Sadly, I don't see too many of them around.

Except this one!

I'll never understand why when men are surveyed they overwhelmingly dislike short hair on women. It can look so beautiful.

I wish that "Having a Mutually Loving, Long-Term Romantic Partner Who Greatly Improves Your Overall Quality of Life" were one of the options. I'd love to see what goofy thing it'd lose to...

No doubt it's worse for women in our culture, but trust me, it sucks for men too. Just not quite as soon. Aging is just the worst. Yes, there are some perks (a little wisdom here, a little experience there), but what you gain in no way makes up for what you lose.

"But the most surprising deal breaker? The one that nearly every person I talked with mentioned? 'Must have a bed frame.'"

Now playing

Cue Peggy Lee singing "Is That All There Is?"

I suppose the resemblance isn't huge, but this was the first thing that popped into my mind upon seeing the cover...

I am very impatiently awaiting the release of the film Cate Blanchett did with Rooney Mara and Carrie Brownstein, based on a Patricia Highsmith novel, and directed by Todd Haynes. Soon, please!

Seems like couples who lives together under the same roof are often quite inconsiderate.

Semi-off-topic vent: Technical difficulties in the love land of Tinder wouldn't be unheard of. It has a bug that keeps thousands of people from using it. It won't verify their phone number. I thought it was just me doing something wrong, then I checked Google... kinda sad Tinder can't be bothered to fix it even though

(P.S. I loved it!)

It's probably considered a minor thing, but I'm very much looking forward to finally getting to watch Studio Ghibli's most recent (and perhaps final?) film, When Marnie Was There. I've been waiting nine months for it since I first saw and fell in love with the trailer last summer. Will be watching in approximately one

Who cares about a lobster when the article mentions that a new Whit Stillman movie is nearing completion? I'm just thankful there wasn't another ten-year wait.

I wish I had some kind of monitor that would send out a signal/email/whatever when I die. It's going to be at least a few days before anyone breaks down my door and I'd rather not leave a decomposing mess.

Which day is National "Let's Just Be Friends Day?" Does it fall near National "You're Like Brother/Sister to Me" Day?