
I’m not a Christie purist so I don’t mind the actor/mustache/etc, but I thought that the solution to this whodunit was so widely known that it’s basically a punchline nowadays, seemingly precluding the effectiveness of another adaptation. Then I remembered that I’m old and no one really remembers anything, and even if

Yeah, I work at a university and it’s disappointing how little this is being talked about (tbh, not at all). I mentioned David Lynch to one person when I was talking about the show and they replied, “Who’s David Lynch?” I guess I’m officially old.

It’s a really good movie, both underrated and underseen.

After I saw John Wick 2 with a friend last week she said I should cosplay as Keanu Reeves. I’ve never felt more complimented...

But famous for *what* exactly on Snapchat? What made her famous initially?

Dakota Fanning’s 2nd outing as a radically-minded bomber in just three years. Interesting.

No, a college. While an awful lot of them know next to nothing, I’m frequently surprised by the things they often do know.

It’s not uncommon for the college freshmen I work around to know of Kate Moss. And this particular kid is in a showbiz family, so of course he knows of her.

Now playing

Serious Winona Ryder vibes from Jane, back in the day.

“...an obsessive cult centered around people who want to cut off their own limbs.”

“Since 1991, over 200 students attending roughly 67 different schools have come forward with accusations of sexual abuse or harassment perpetrated by teachers, administrators, and staff.”

I used to daydream about meeting a woman who would be excited by seeing that I had some certain book that she liked on my bookshelf (or even by the fact that I have bookshelves lol). Never happened, sadly.

“It now seems plausible that they’ll be joined by a holographic 2D likeness of their lost leader.”

This is just considered a normal part of having a girlfriend where I come from.

No trash cans in the bathroom? That’s just bizarre.

Can I get a sexbot that will pick up the check on a date?

Eventually no gender will be able to comete with a sexbot and wanting a human partner will be considered a fetish.

On the other hand, I’ve know LOTS of guys who have said they’re feminists, and, well, you know...

Ah, the internet tells me that she was the nanny in that recent Lifetime sort-of-satire movie A Deadly Adoption with Will Ferrell and Kristen Wiig. Maybe one of the SNLers introduced them.

I suspect there’s a little something more to this than “the LSD made me do it.”