Covington was not “debunked” at all, those kids were still a bunch of racist entitled little shits that needed a good hard spanking. Ford’s story is credible.
We don’t appreciate you fabricating stories like pizzagate either.
Aside from him needing to go to jail if a jury finds him guilty, my thought about this whole thing is just how intensely weird and troubled this guy is, someone in need of some serious professional help. Like, how loose is your connection with reality to come up with a scheme like this and...just think the police…
He can plead down all he wants but his career is finished. No one in Hollywood will want anything to do with him. Lee Daniels and Ava DuVernay are going to have to take him to the woodshed. And I shudder to think about how the LGBTQ community will deal with him.
Not sure where in US you are, and no aspersions suggested, but in Chicago, it was practically the entire city yelling at the police to tell us anything, and all they could say was how very little they had to go on. Even in a surveillance state, in a downtown area, conspicuously next to nothing to work with. And then…
I honestly wish the CPD had just stayed quiet 'til it all came to a head, because they were definitely playing cat & mouse with this situation. It leaves a very bad taste in my mouth, knowing that's it's the Chicago PD we are talking about here.
Exactly! He will claim that he thought the ends would justify the means; that he would be able to spur change as a result, etc. Bullshit. If his motivations were altruistic he would’ve found other admirable, creative ways to use his fame to seek justice for PoC and the LGBTQ community. For example, by using his…
That sounds like nice world...
Depends on who’s picking the judges.
Here’s the thing though. If this law actually changed, no one would get sued more than Trump himself. He lies more any motherfucker on the planet. And every time he called CNN or NBC or the WAPO fake news on Twitter they could sue him for libel by simply providing the evidence they’ve already gathered for the stories…
Thomas can go fuck himself with a Coke can.
Trump’s hand is so far up his ass, I can see fingers in his mouth.
I’m really surprised that the timing of this opinion being issued right before magat boy’s lawsuit against WaPo isn’t on more peoples radar. They’re playing the damned long game, again. The Republicans are Machiavellian.
When this man dies it will be funny as hell watching Fox News and other conservative outlets trip over themselves extolling his virtues while demanding you black people applaud his tenure on the country’s highest court. Can anyone name any landmark decision that this walking testament to tokenism has ever written? Oh…
Chef’s kiss to this comment and the one you replied to. These are the type of folks that get congratulated for having an understanding of blackness that doesn’t go deeper than Drake and Nene Leakes. They love using the “fun” version of the n word like it’s hand sanitizer and brag about seasoning like some basil leaves…
But daddy was silent, and that's how we get these messes in the first place!
Like I’ve said in the past, this is why they get met with resistance on the playground.
She’s completely fucked public education; it was on the way down when NCLB was passed, but she’s just about to cut the femoral artery. I am an educator. I normally love what I do. But it’s turned into teaching to a test rather than teaching easing and writing and critical thinking skills. I don’t get to teach satire,…
she’s not going to allowed to dominate the conversation, dictate the menu, have everyone cater to her ‘no perfume’ fake allergy or applaud her for having a Black man and biracial kids. And that’s REALLY what she wants