White people are generally in charge, frequently hurting POC however they might;
White people are generally in charge, frequently hurting POC however they might;
If they are out there protesting who is on the streets doing their damn job?
Yeah, but they did call the police over talking apparently. If punches started getting thrown around they’d burn the school down and just start over.
“We took the word nigger, de-weaponized it and made it our word. ‘My nigga’ two words which are filled with love, respect, and a sense of unity.”
Why do ANY muthafuckas have to keep sayin’ that bullshit at all? I mean, dayum! Fuckin’ lame ass rappers rhyme that shit, with the same damn word! WTF is you doin?! Get a fuckin’ thesaurus! That word belongs to one people and one people only: the bastards that enslaved our ancestors and continue to this day to…
I respectfully disagree with Monique. The n-word is soaked in the blood of our ancestors and can never be cleansed of that history. It can never be rehabilitated in any form, no matter the spelling. How can it be a term of endearment among our young when its usually the last insult heard as many of them die on our…
I fucking hate this shit, especially since it’s not as common among my fellow Olds. It is so jarring to be walking down the street (I don’t know how it is other places but this definitely happens in New York) and hear Asians still with foreign accents saying “nigga,” and of course Puerto Ricans, no matter how pale,…
She is literally trying to exacerbate the situation so the cops come in hot and start blasting away from moment one.
Rhianna needs to put out a new song called Bitch Betta Mind Her Bidness. The video can be a montage of these Beckies getting bitch slapped for siccing the cops on Black people minding their damn business.
I really wish journalists today would spend a few weeks poring over every “neutral,” “reporting both sides” article from Germany in the 1920s and 30s and see how that worked out.
If she is furious that a bunch of customers are buying her product and filling her cash register I’m sure a nice boycott can relieve her of such concerns.
It has to be a White woman tax credit or something. I just have no idea why you would show your racism and get fired from your job/destroy your business just to commit terrorism via police against us. We must be missing a detail somewhere lol
A white girl called mean “uppity nigger” in 8th grade. My two Irish friends covered the corridor for me and lied when asked where I was as I followed fat girl Becky into the bathroom. I slapped her beet red and wrapped her hair around her neck and dunked her head six times in a clear toilet (one for each letter in the…
Plus, it would just play right into the hands of the racists who claim all black people are violent.
cf. “Keep Talking, Motherfucker.” Basketball Court, Maryland, 1989
the blackest things about #verysmartwedding, in no particular order
panama’s wife literally had an whole entire EXTRA squad of bridesmaids. never seen a wedding that had bridesmaids coming off the bench, tagging in and out.
we had three wardrobe changes — two of which were almost compromised by clothes that had to be…
On further reading of “Don’t Start None V. Won’t Be None” I have to concur with this assessment.
A white girl called mean “uppity nigger” in 8th grade. My two Irish friends covered the corridor for me and lied when asked where I was as I followed fat girl Becky into the bathroom. I slapped her beet red and wrapped her hair around her neck and dunked her head six times in a clear toilet (one for each letter in the…
Why did Chanese Knox get suspended for sticking up for herself? Easy, she forgot her place. Male/female, rich/poor, old/young, whatever. In America, if you’re black, that comes first. We’re not allowed to have feelings. If we do, we’re “angry/aggressive” and even called “savages”, even if that anger is justifiable,…