
Correct, my lived experience AND consumption of vast and varied pop culture are not data...neither does your mere mention that you compiled data mean true and correct data exists for your point! Especially not when it flies so far in the face of common knowledge. What sample size, methodology, scope and reputable body

This is exactly the kind comically awkward moves that intellectual, nerdy men like DeGrasse Tyson attempt for seduction (Yep, I dated grown up nerds desperate for coolness). He was trying a lot of mish-mashed bull to get some: Smooth Operator (wine, cheese, music), Powerful Boss (showing the nice apt; oh, I travel so

You would be apologizing for not communicating better, clearer and unambiguously! NOT for hurt feelings. See how one makes YOU responsible but the other makes the other person sensitive and PC-crazy?! 

This tree appears to be in the lobby of the police station on public property which is the first thing anyone sees upon entry. Police officers and civilian personnel took some time to think of this theme, gather the ‘ornaments’ over some period, then assemble it. All while patrol officers, dispatch people and at least

Coach’s quality over the past 15 years has been crap; the canvas fabric has definitely gone down while they keep charging increasing leather prices! Dooney & Burke - same thing! I used to wash my canvas with a wet, white cloth and it was good as new; the last two or three had stitching problems, etc. 

Two problems: despite your citing of scholarly research on IR pairings being mostly BW/WM, it just doesn’t feel true according to my lived experience or my vast and varied pop culture consumption. Even accounting for ‘being in my feelings’ about it but trying to be objective, there’s just no way! 1) White men have no

Finally! Except no one had the balls to make participation mandatory or at least require it for federal funding...

Oh, this Ode to Dad was such a balm to my spirit! I love the scholarly approach to athletics with the cardboard tally sheet especially. What a keepsake!

God bless, Enkone Goodlow for getting right to work fixing it. Show the weak racist punk that his efforts were puny and easily bested by a Black man. I’m so glad Goodlow wore his hoodie for this pic (with his fine self!)!

Once again, anyone care to address what Black WOMEN want?! Not just light-skinned or biracial women but Black women of all hues, particularly dark? Then not just how MEN THINK we want/should want but how women want to their actual desires to be portrayed?!

The loss of consumer confidence in a Personal Care line (even if it is one product in a portfolio) for a major brand like Johnson & Johnson could be devastating. FEAR of products placed inside/related to the genitals by the same company that makes baby wipes, shampoo and douche?! Oh, the effect would ripple through

Agreed! But I still say Zuck is not human.

It’s silly, I know! But, every Black History Month they play it during the montage of all the fallen martyrs, with all that black & white newsreel footage of the neat & respectable looking Black kids integrating schools, or getting water-hosed or dogs sicced on them. From the first time I heard that song, it just

I’m not on the Kale Kouncil of Kansas but I have converted some other naysayers. Because I’m not a big fan of very many veggies, greens are my go-to. Also, I’m kind of a foodie who’s trying not to get old and stuck in my ways so I found the recipe above adding just enough chicken stock to keep it cooking til soft but

Facebook has maintained that it’s above governmental regulation and oversight all along and deigns to answer questions (from anyone) when and if it damn well pleases.

I had a majority of Black teachers until I went to the gifted high school (where I got off track personally and neither the Black female principal nor Black Male Asst. Princ spent one extra minute trying to help me!). There were maybe one or two inspirational ones per grade year but most just did their jobs kind of

How did you not cry every single morning?! The Black National Anthem is so closely-aligned with Black people’s funerals (to me) that I even teared up just READING your comment! 

From Merle the racist calling T-Dog (OMG, the silent, hulking Black man is named Tee-Muthafukkin’-Dog?!?!?) the n-word, only to have T-Dog risk his life returning to save said racist’s life to traumatized and silent dreadlocked Michonne risking her life to save White girl screwing Alpha Male to Cowardly Black Dude

Nooooo, I swear to you that kale sauteéd with butter and minced garlic then cooked down with just enough chicken stock is a revelation in deliciousness! Like similarly prepared spinach but firmer and not slimy.

“I take sausage very seriously.”