
If only more people would exercise their right to own firearms. They'd have a great shot at not being victims. (Pun not intended)

Lol what's that saying?? "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away."

No gun problem. The people who get this promo still need to pass a background check. Gang bangers and other criminals most likely wouldn't pass the background check, or probably even the credit check for dish service.

Reads last sentence. Tries to resist saying that's what he said... Eh, resistance is futile.


That's a pretty sweet watch though. I love the roulette see through back too. Want. If only it was cheaper.

Granted. The toll is $20.

This is clearly because of the $10 I donated to the relief fund. Your welcome Japan, just doing my part.


Sex play? Is that a common term? "So last night, me and that girl I met got around to a little Sex Play. If you know what I mean. Wink wink."

@rxe7en: According to most Floridians the answer to that question would probably be..

Thank you Kat for opening up this old wound! :( That was my dream as a kid, winning that house. And now I even live in Las Vegas. (Literally right next to Henderson)

Also does anyone know the display resolution? Is it even comparable to the Airs? It doesn't say on the specs page.

I know it's been said to death. But I haven't said a single word yet...

American comedy isn't that great?? Was that a joke? There isn't a single other country funnier than United States. English comedy is some of the worse crap I have ever seen. Excluding Simon Pegg of course. He's the one exception.

Lmao that's beautiful. I would rather see your version than this. But this was nuts.

I don't know. If any part of the Smart Covers were patented, it would be the magnetic part. That isn't included here. Besides Speck is a big Apple accessory maker, I doubt they'd cross the line with them. But with Apple, I guess you never really know.

Not very shocking that Jon Bon Jovi wants us buying music before we hear it. I mean come on, who would buy his stuff if they actually had the chance to listen to it beforehand?

My thoughts exactly!

He went out and bought one. I'm sure he'll let us know what he thinks.