
Even though the fans were vocal about that one break up (and the many others that followed); the ratings did not drop. As a matter of fact, because Shonda and writers continue to dangle the Olitz carrot, ratings improved in Season 3 and Fitz and Olivia broke up again at the end of Season 2 (she wanted to stay with

I agree and now Jake is being made the damsel in distress in worse ways that I didn't believe was possible.

Me too, I will do like most people on this board and read the recaps because I really enjoy the interaction of AV Club posters and am not ready to give that up.

I find it a little insulting that you and some other posters just assume that the problem people have with Scandal is because Olivia and Fitz broke up. Personally, that doesn't bother me. It was the way they broke up - it didn't happen organically. For example, when Olivia and Fitz broke up in Season 2 it was

I haven't seen the name calling or insults, at least not on this board.

He's too much of a fan favorite and there are many fans hoping against hope that Shonda will make them the end game, which I believe she is not going to do. She will tease fans with it but she is not going to do it because as she said 'she doesn't write love stories'. and was shocked that fans actually liked to

Agree, and as while some people are still posting their fustrations, many have moved on. I believe with this 10 month hiatus, many more will move on because it will give some people plenty of time to get scandal out of its system.

I do know what you mean, and as said, I didn't see anyone post negatively to you about your positive views. It is your right to have your views and also, people have the right to post their negative views.

Thank you for articulating and more importantly clarifying what was actually said. Yes, Tony Goldwyn walks a fine line is with Shonda and what I got out of his describing the email is that Shonda didn't take to kindly with him questioning her writing - I think one of the cast members even said that Shonda said I

Scott Foley's project "The Toast" was not picked up by ABC so I guess its back to the drawing board.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist (all the time), but I do believe that Shonda purposely destroyed Fitz character to prop up Jake. I watched Tony Goldwyn's Huffington Post interview and he did say that Scott Foley would be "the Director of Brown nosing' in the Scandal verse"

If most of this board did that, then there would be a low amount of comments and the show would not be reviewed anymore for lack of clicks.

I agree Misha, Shonda even said that Huck was the one who was suppose to kill Verna (Supreme Court Justice), but changed their mind and had Fitz do it - their OMG moment. It was this action that literally "killed" Fitz character in the eyes of some.

I did. I am on the ABC Scandal Panel and I wrote my concerns on the direction of the show. Many on the panel feel exactly as I do; but this season there will be no changes because the episodes have been shot.

Me too, but the inconsistencies, plot holes and retconning of characters has finally started to affect me in such a negative way that I am aggravated. I don't watch TV to be aggravated. So even though I am an unashamed fan girl of Kerry Washington (the only actress that I fan girl) after these two remaining episodes

True, Kerry Washington as become a supporting actress on her own show. The writing is horrendous, with plot holes that you can run a mac truck through. The introduction of B613 is what killed the show and the continuing story line of Jake and Rowan is what is going to put the show in its grave.

If you can watch "Confirmation"; Kerry Washington was fantastic. I actually watched the "real" hearings on TV and Kerry Washington really channeled Anita Hill.

I'm a huge Tony Goldwyn fan and Fitz is my favorite character in the Scandalverse, more so, sadly, than Olivia. I am not 'privy" to any behind the scenes information, instead, I use my "gut" and watch the show. Based on what I have seen and what I have read about the upcoming episodes. the election arc is not going

She is not going to kill off Fitz, but as you might have notice, his screen time has been severely limited. You don't have to kill off a character, just lower their screen time, don't give them a storyline and the fans will tend to forget about him.

The big thing that HTGAWM didn't have is Scandal's "rabid" fan base. The fan base got Scandal renewed for Season 2 because they were active on social media, especially twitter, talking about the show and spreading it via word of mouth.