
At the end of Season 5, Jake told Olivia that he went from being Rowan's bitch to hers and after watching this season finale, No truer words have been said. He is now Olivia's henchman, who will do all of her dirty work, like he did for Rowan. My only hope is that Olivia takes her B613 command role seriously and if

Mellie, as usual, is going to get screwed. She got screwed by Cyrus in the alternate universe episode and she is going to get screwed by Cyrus and Olivia in real-time Scandal mode. The sad part is that, like in the alternate universe, she is going to realize that she is being screwed but will feel trapped and

I know my theory might seem a little outlandish, but maybe Quinn & Associates will do the "leg work" for Fitz and Marcus. Remember, Fitz foundation is akin to the innocent project where they will be taking cases of those wrongly accused of a crime. It seems that is what Quinn & Associates did this episodes.

KW was great in "Confirmation" as Anita Hill on HBO. She picked up Anita Hill's mannerism and speech patterns perfectly, especially when she was testifying in front of the committee.

My favorite part was the reveal that Marcus and Fitz are going to do something akin to the "Innocent Project" that the actor Tony Goldwyn is a huge supporter of. My hope is that next season, they get back to the case of the week format, with Marcus & Fitz handling cases of the wrongly accused and Quinn and Associates

Not really. Rowan said that the only person Maya cared about and wouldn't hurt was Olivia, which is why Olivia travelled with Fitz to a campaign stop. Remember, Olivia wasnt in the church.

I like Marissa and was generally happy that she is in the show. She will bring some comic relief to the show, which I am assuming will tackle some very heavy issues.

Cavs won, Ramsey dies horribly; excellent way to end the evening

Olivia Pope got knocked up - I think Kerry Washington and her husband planned to have another child. Both of them are wealthy and Kerry, who is 39, probably thought this was the perfect time to have baby #2. So I just don't find a conspiracy theory in all of this.

Sadly, by the time Scandal returns what you say is write will be absolutely true.

I don't think the TV media goes gaga over her because she is a black woman, but because she has put out three successful shows. i remember the media going gaga over Aaron Spelling, a white man, when he ruled network TV with his shows.

You make some excellent points, but to be perfectly honest, it was the writers who started this shipping war. I had no qualms when Shonda broke Olivia and Fitz up at the end of Season 2. I thought it was great, let Olivia gladiate and let Fitz run his "clean" campaign and win legitimately. Also, Season 2, Jake was

Not me, I've watched every episode. I can't make that claim going forward though.

I just think she is appreciative of the opportunity that Scandal (Shonda) has given her. She was a C list actress playing supporting roles as someone's wife or girl friend. Scandal put Kerry Washington on the map and made her a household name and opened other opportunities for her, namely walking more red carpets,

Excellent post. I do understand why Kerry Washington praises Shonda and says that whatever Shonda has in store for the Olivia Pope character, she would be fine with it. She is very appreciative of the opportunity that Shonda Rhimes has given her. The same could be said for Viola Davis who also thanks Shonda Rhimes

You have to admit that the entire dynamics of "the Gladiators" changed once Harrison was killed (fired). I loved Season 2 Harrison.

I did. i must admit during Season 1 and 2 before Shonda completely retconned Olivia and Fitz; they had a chemistry that was unbelievable. They were soul mates who met at the wrong time and place.

To be more precise, Shonda adopted all of her children. Losing your moral compass doesn't mean that you make bad decisions like not telling Fitz that Jake murdered the General's boyfriend to get the NSA job. It doesn't include murder or being a participant to murder.

If you write Shonda and say this is a "highly entertaining soap opera" I think she will read you the riot act. Shonda is writing a political drama and don't you ever forget it. lol

I won't go into detail because I think I responded to most of what you said in my initial posts. But things I want to point out You say in Mellie's world she is the 1st female running for POTUS" I guess I am suppose to forget that Sally Langston ran against Fitz in Season 3b (which took up the entire arc) and was