
There’s something special about someone being recognized unprovoked for having an outstanding career.

They travelled.

Good, yes.  AS GOOD, no.  He’s perfect for Carlisle’s system.

Flying drones over a minor league stadium should also have gotten them fined by MLB. It’s actually a safety rule that if a drone is spotted near a stadium while fans/players are in attendance that the game is to be halted, stands evacuated until the drone leaves the area.

I got really excited when I first saw this earlier, but this is more of a news media clickbait than a “F-you” to the art world. Every headline is “Banksy destroys own art” or “banksy piece self-destructs”. It only shredded halfway. The rest is still in the frame, and the ribbons are hanging down from the bottom. Find

That’s an impressive ratio.

Dude, seriously? Thank goodness Twitch showed some fucking decency and took it down, even though your click-bait link is still live.

Big Al would have hit a Dinger with his Donger.

I read everything you just wrote, and have concluded that you made all of that up as there is no way those are real people.

Jesus christ people, stop flying with your dogs. You’ll be fine away from your precious baby for a few days.

When I make fried chicken at home, I struggle getting the skin to attach to the meat.  I will try the “bread 24 hours and leave in fridge” advice from article, but is that just a dry mixture? The recipe I’ve been using is a buttermilk, so dry-wet-dry combo before dipping into oil. For the pre-breading, should I just

Mark Sanchez’s soul.

Can we make a new law that Greta Van Fleet can only be HEARD and not SEEN? Please?!? They sound like long-haired, bad ass, zeppelin-knock-offs, but look like dudes auditioning for a Teen Vogue covershoot. My mind can’t handle both at once.

Now playing

Uh oh, they jokingly sang “I Want it That Way”. It’s confirmed, Tenacious D is getting cancelled within the next week.


The whole “Fake News” shit is bad enough, but when we’ve completely lost the ability to take a fucking joke...

Position players pitching, even in the minors, is ALWAYS worth it.

I got an email from Epic saying my account was locked due to too many sign-in attempts. Haven’t seen any charges, so hopefully they weren’t able to get in. Definitely freaked me out though.