
Starred for Shibata. Plus you make good points.

Or Black Adam just isn’t a character in the movie.

Only one man is cagey enough to have staged this...

No Uniracers, no sale. Which is good, because I never would have been able to get one anyway

CODY Rhodes has some feels about this...

Have to Draw the Three first. Save Blaine the Pain for the last of the first trilogy.

He’s been drinking green tea all goddamn day!!

If only Marvel had some event to pull from where all the established heros died but came back a couple of months later. Like they were reborn or something...

Yes, yes, VCR’s are crap, video resolution is terrible, blah, blah, blah... BUT!!! I do have a VCR and I do watch the non-Special editions of the Original Trilogy on it. SUCK IT BLURAYS!!

Starred for excellent use of Dario

Ah, yes, thank you for that. My recollection was fuzzy but I distinctly remember he knew Loki was alive and the beer was never empty.

*spoilers, I guess, but it answers your question*

Solo brand plastic cups are red.

I loved the shows within the show most of all.

Also, the Academy has a tendency to award attractive actors who go “ugly”.

Google Image Search. You really shouldn’t, though...

That’s been their stated goal for awhile now.

They’re trying... (or tried. I haven’t seen any recent updates)

Have a star from Also Gray Also That Guy

Hey, man... When Pon Farr hits, you gotta smurf what you gotta smurf.