
If I’m understanding it correctly, they had to ask because they were using the character with such a departure from her comic power set. Marvel would want to ok any drastic changes to its characters before another studio used them. Other wise, a studio could take a popular name and just slap any powers or story on it

Uniracers or gtfo

I know FN-2199 is official, but he’ll always be TR-8R to me.

So Nick Fury is “probably hanging out with Jules and walking the world”...

Me First and the Gimmie Gimmies changed my life.

What a coincidence. I’m also not watching Suicide Squad due to attachment to the actual characters.

Way back in the Topless Robot days

It wouldn’t be the first time a... uhhh... ~renowned~ author railed on Bricken demanding to know “WHOSE RESPONSIBLE THIS?!?”

May the Elders bless you. Or, drive you into the eternal abyss of madness last, at least.

Glad I wasn't the only one. I read through it three times to make sure I didn't miss it somewhere.

I think you're onto something, but in the wrong part of town. The X-Men movies still do a lot better than ok, plus with the Deadpool train rolling, they will most likely want to hold onto all their mutants and their revenues. The Fantastic Four, however....

Sooooooo.... Groundhog Day, but starting from scratch each time?

Of course I'm going to spend way too much money tracking these down. I'm in the goddamn club, aren't I?

At this point, I would suggest Marvel ditch the dump truck and go for a barge...

It's absolutely Hugh Jackman Wolverine in this, but the impact going forward that Singer is teasing could very well be a return of the thawed out X-23 or Wolvie getting cloned from scratch in the new post-DoFP continuity.

I haven't paid much attention to MM in quite some time, so it may be a different thing, but is American Jesus a rename for Chosen? Or a collection of stories with Chosen in it?

Sansa has been my pick for the Throne since she was whisked away by Littlefinger. She’s (mostly) out of the kill zone in Westeros and she was learning the game from one of its best players. Add that up with some good old fashioned Stark revenge and it just feels right.
