
I hope they also find a way to bring back Andrew Garfield’s Darby Allin version of Peter Parker as well as Tobey Maguire’s “He's just a kid.... Even though he looks older than I am!' take.

It’s going to be difficult to associate J.J. Abrams with a movie that goes anywhere.

“If Obi-Wan got up to five seasons worth of adventures on Tattoine he’d be doing a pretty crap job of keeping a low profile.”

I like that band that played by behind Tommy in the musical of the same name, Whomever they were.

Damn right. I played D&D, too!

Glaring omission:

You kids today don’t know how lucky you are to have fantasy authors with taste. In my day, if you wanted fantasy art by someone who didn’t exclusively listen to hair metal and masturbate to aerobics videos, you were shit out of luck.

Man, fuck io9 commenters. Why can’t people be gracious? He entertained you for three films. Now that’s not enough? How hard is it to be gracious? “He’s put his time in, good for him. The fandom’s pretty insufferable, I don’t blame him for wanting to do other kinds of stuff.” Is that so fucking hard? What’s this

I have to disagree. I think a major theme of this movie is going to be how they stayed immature because of learning about the prophesy. They never did what they needed to do to grow and mature. And THAT is why they never were able to write the prophesied song. They’re daughters, who have been ragging them for never

Yes, it’s also part of the Canadian alphabet. We often append it to the end of sentences when speaking about beer or hockey (or beer and hockey).

Well, I knew that snake was my own sweet dad
From a worn-out picture that my mother’d had
And I knew that scar on his cheek and his evil eye
He was big and bent and gray and old
And I looked at him and my blood ran cold
And I said: “My name is ‘Sue X Æ A-12!’ How do you do!?

I believe the proper name for this kind of video is a “Manitoba Melee.”

This policy affects any and all Universal movies per se, goes into effect today and as our theatres reopen, and is not some hollow or ill-considered threat

nah, I’ll take the movies at home where nobody is talking or rustling wrappers

No they don’t, modern turbofan engines on many private jets require a more diesel / kerosene type mix such as JP-4 / 5 / 8 / 8+, etc.

With a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound

Just an FYI, but all chaps are ass-less. Otherwise they’d be pants. 

All chaps are assless , because otherwise they would be pants.

Remember when this site had complete radio silence on James Gunn because of a targeted campaign by right-wing trolls to discredit him and Meatwadf was our hero?