
…that I like!

No, he'd make a better villain:

Isn't this the same Korean that Bond blew up with a box full of diamonds ten years ago?

How come the British are only informed *third*? Don't we deserve to have a good laugh earlier than the others?

How come the British are only informed *third*? Don't we deserve to have a good laugh earlier than the others?

When are we going to see some Chinks reach the mountaintop?

"If they think I'm going to let them have Bernard Obongo, then they've misunderestimated the wrong president!'

Actually that could work.

Yeah, because when the President dies, she gets to inherit everything because the whole country is in her name. And that's why Morgan Freeman is blowing up the White House. To stop her! And the Korean terrorists are actually the only good guys in the movie, it will turn out.

So what is this show about again?

"…He is ex-special forces!"

And the secret villain turns out to be….

Morgan Freeman! He's the villain! It took me twenty-two seconds to work that out.

Don't take it out on me. The UN is a corrupt joke.

You mean they're not going to play the US any more?

Who says they're illegal? Oh, the United Nations.

" …presumably as part of some ill-thought scheme to give her mind a rest."

I saw this hoping for a good scare and was horribly disappointed by its conventionality and its tameness. I don't think Steven King wrote it though his name was on the label; he might just have 'edited' it while some hacks cobbled it together. Much better 'The House Is The Monster' films are 'Hell House' and 'The

A professor of Media Studies? Who didn't know the plot of 'The Jazz Singer'? I take it this wasn't Yale.

I thought that too. 'Troubling'? Oh, he means the black-face bit. How it must have tormented Noel.