
Don't be a prissy little censor - and then don't announce it with such a smug post.

Because she found out the dog had orchestrated her entire downward spiral, spiking her cola with booze, shooting her husband and framing her for the rap, shitting in her stereo headphones etc.

Gerald Harper, a once world-famous in Britain hearthrob of the 70s, wipes the floor with the so-called 'alternative comedians' in the Alexei Sayles clip as 'Grey Temples'.

That's it, squirm more, you pissy little relativist. If you think it's right to lie under oath 'when you know better' then it's right for presidents to lie to Congress, for cops to lie on the witness stand, for soldiers to lie to War Crimes Tribunals, for reporters to lie routinely on TV or in the papers… Do you begin

Well now you know. So buzz off.

I am like this to punish you.

You literally have no idea what happened to the Hollywood 10, do you? Most of them were never actually excluded from the industry, very few went to jail and none of them were 'ruined'.

If you think that's what I've been arguing, you're a moron which, in forensic terms, is still a legal defence. So, lucky for you.

What do you mean? I'm just giving some forum Nazis a slap, if it's any of your business, mkay?

"…there's a slight difference between believing in the ideology of communism and supporting every single action ever taken by the Soviet Union."

The thesis of your post was infantile. I had to extrapolate a coherent meaning from it.

LOL. I think it's quite obvious I have a better understanding of them than you, you little totalitarian stooge.

I don't think you understand what 'progressive' means. You seem to think it means collectivisation, appeasement and relativism.

It's precisely the fucking same. There never has been any avowedly Communist society anywhere and at any time - from Cuba to Cambodia, from Mozambique to Myanmar - that didn't descend into some form of Stalinism. To attempt to deny that is idiotic.

Yeah, but lefties *don't* condemn both - and, more to the point, they don't examine the supposed 'crimes'.

And yet Dickie Attenborough never dies. Sigh.

Fuck both those nazis.

" The worst that Collins et al. ever did was, what, have a few meetings, maybe talk about communist ideals?"

So you're saying it's wrong to 'persecute' people for their beliefs and for their friend's beliefs when those beliefs are murderous, racist and, by any standards, would constitute hate-crimes today?

Dorothy Comingore wasn't forbidden from seeing her kids because she was Communist but because she was a chronic alcoholic who supported her habit through prostitution.