
tits or gtfo

As pathetic as these attempts to defame feminism really are, feminism as a Leftist movement must confront the antisemitism of its adherents. When prominent feminists like Judith Butler argue that groups like Hamas and Hizbullah, who are doctrinally committed to genocide of the Jews, are groups belonging to the global

I blame the Palestinians and their supporters in the US. By describing the Middle East's only democracy, where Arabs have more civil and political rights as minorities in a Jewish state than they do as members of a majority in ANY Arab state, as apartheid, those assholes have demeaned the word beyond recognition.

"While Eurovision is not supposed to be political" has to be the dumbest thing I've read today. It is the screen onto which all of Europe's political divisions are projected. http://www.academia.edu/Documents/in/E…

Looks like Republican strategists have observed how Democrats continue to sell a bunch of bullshit to gullible women (eg "$0.77 on the dollar for working the same job") and are taking note. Facts clearly don't matter, its emotions. Need proof, read Jezebel and you'll see the dearth of factual, logical arguments, and a

I wonder if this "otherizing" thought was what Cecily was thinking as she decked a hard working black cop in the eye for doing his job and decided she could beat the charge because white girls can't possibly do something like that?

Yup, which is precisely why everyone is buying her whole "innocent white girl getting sexually assaulted by a scary black guy" bit. Solidarity really is for white women.

So this is really gross, and probably TMI, but this is anonymous so here I go:

Actually the society his family immigrated into placed his Kraut ancestors into an "off-white" category. Certainly not as bad as being black, but the fanciful world you imagine where new immigrants are automatically given power and influence upon arrival into this country, as long as their skin is white, just doesn't

At first, I was all, "C'mon Lindy" and then I read another person at University of Michigan saying "I'm not anti-semitic, I'm just critical of Israeli policies," and it totally clicked. You're right, every single person (like Jermiah Wright, Rashiid Khalidi, and their protege Barack Obama) says, "Its not anti-semitic

C'mon, I'm totally with what you're saying (that the consequences of slavery extended beyond the ratification of the 13th amendment), but there's no way you can say the wealth of Donald Rumsfeld is "directly" linked to centuries of free labor when his family came to this country in 1870. What you describe is a pretty

In fact, for most Americans, their wealth and prosperity has nothing to do with the less than century of slave labor in this country, because the Rumsfelds, like many Americans, came over in 1870, after slavery was abolished. Maybe you can say the total wealth of this country is based on free labor, but I would argue

In this nature vs nurture/society vs biology debate, I think one concept that is missing is the idea that society itself is a product of biology/genetics. We know that social behaviors like altruism are adaptive traits and are by far not unique to humans (nor are they universal across all species). We also know that

Probably someone else has commented about this, but the gene "Sonic hedgehog" was named after the character not the other way around. Also, scientists have long described cancer as "development gone wrong," and our studies have focused on the developmental pathways to get a clue as to what's happening in cancer.

I'm reading that as: of all the people that went to the hospital only 29 % of women went soon enough to get an EKG within 10 minutes of their symptoms. Because why would a hospital deny life saving treatment to men 60% (EKG) or 40% (clot-busters) of men? That makes no sense. Anyway from the linked article:

It doesn't seem like the problem is with the doctors (because why would doctors withhold an EKG for 60% of men?) The problem is people don't get to the hospital fast enough to receive the treatment in the "best outcome" time window. That problem is with the patients: women typically don't know what heart attack

Why would you even assume that there was a problem with discrimination? Man, that's a fucked up world view you people have: evil patriarchy always out to get ya. Anyone with minimal knowledge of human health and physiology knows that heart attacks are different for women than for men (shit, my CPR training taught me

I feel like its the cost of non-conformity that makes the Middle East more sexist. If a woman wears a veil because she might get killed if she doesn't that woman is arguably more oppressed than a woman who gets plastic surgery because she thinks she won't attract a good man without it.

Its 27% actually, and while cognition is far more complex than hemophilia, having that many genes that contribute to one polygenic trait (cognition) on the same chromosome can certainly account for some of the above described observations. Maybe sloppy explaining of the science, but I assure you we'll be learning more