
Not that we should go back to the medical ethics of the 1950s, but you really shouldn't be so appalled that experiments conducted on animals were eventually conducted on children. Any drug/medicine/intervention must eventually be used on humans to make sure that it is as safe and effective as it was on mice or

This is a no brainer: about 25% of human genes that are known to influence cognition lie on the X chromosome (which is a startling number considering that there are 22 other chromosomes, so the probability of so many genes on the X chromosome is pretty low if everything is random). These genes are linked with diseases

I'm not sure anyone can call the potential offspring of this technique a "designer" baby. Mitochondrial DNA is extremely highly conserved, so as long as the donor and prospective mother are of the same ethnic background, they will likely have EXACTLY the same mitochondrial DNA. People need to be less techno-phobic and

Its called Zionism: a principled stance that the Jewish people, having faced thousands of years of persecution and atrocities unfathomable to most people, deserve a state of their own where they decide their own destiny. Johansen is Jewish, so it makes sense she'll stand against bigots who oppose Zionism.

What do you expect when the author writes a headline like this? All of the comments published are anti-Israel. At least the "waiting for moderation" section lets people like you and I see each other. Solidarity!

Damn computer kicked me off before I made my final point: money has nothing to do with this, Zionism, a Jewish value, does.

Moral of the story: when a bunch of European lefties build a factory in the West Bank that employs 500 Palestinians, paying them double the average local salary, and providing them amenities like a mosque, its "development" "humanitarian aid" etc. But when a bunch of Jews decide to do the same thing, its a war crime.

Its actually job applications, not research papers. Even more interesting is that female professors were just as likely to deny a job to a female prospect as a male professor. Its not that people don't think women can do science, its that people are often afraid that women will leave science to pursue a family. A

Love how an emotional argument is used on website ruled exclusively by emotional arguments (and plenty of cutesy snark, amirite ladies?) to denounce men understanding that women more frequently resort and respond to emotional arguments.

You mean the very same website that decried hipster or ironic racism? yet we all love the "jews be rulin the world" gag hahahaha

I was recently buying glasses and found the men's selection to be somewhat lacking (a common problem I find). There wasn't any clear separation of frames by gender, so I wandered over to what I later realized was the women's section when the shop owner gently directed me back over to the men's section. The styles I

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These Niggaz never seen this episode of CYE?!?!:

I think the word he was looking for is "fecund"

"Written like a 12 year old redditor?" More like written by a Jezebel staff writer.