
Holy shit, you gotta put a trigger warning on that Shoney dance video. As a victim of gun violence, I've been retraumatized.

"Fuck the family of the victim/ Witness that's snitchin ass hoes nigga" Yea, maybe that's why y'all are different from us. Or its just racism, yea thats it.

This is offensive to scientists

I'm glad to hear Jews can now consider themselves POC according to Jezebel.

Just last week a girl working at Panda Express told me "I really like your shirt." I said "thank you." Is it really that hard?

"I saw goody proctor with the devil" was a pretty consistent and uniform "eyewitness" account. I mean, there's no other explanation for the uniformity of eyewitness testimony other than the truth, right?

Don't our laws do exactly this for all matter of crimes? Purse snatching compared to robbing at gun point get different sentences if I'm not mistaken. Is the same true for date rape versus rape at gunpoint?

Mhmm ad hominem is the last resort of the defeated. Why don't you go fuck yourself if you're not interested in dealing with what these terror cunts say about raising their children to kill as many Jews as possible.

*Gasp* a woman had an opinion!

they're a tiny minority who are reviled by the majority of society. In contrast, Palestinian society is so backwards when it comes to women's rights, their legal system allows for heinous acts like spousal rape and honor violence.

More like busily raising their sons to go slaughter entire families:

How does putting a yellow ribbon magnet saying "support our troops" do anything? These acts are entirely a cathartic means of doing something, anything, in a situation that's entirely out of your control.

Why? Why the fuck not is why! But seriously, interview with the creator reveals why:

eh, if you're so bummed out about it, just kill yourself. We need fewer people bitching and moaning on this planet, and more people doing the serious and hard work required to make this world a better place.

Thank god for fully automated espresso machines at Starbucks. I'd hate to be the barrista that has to tamp and pull 60 shots.

Ramadan mubarak?

This is only news because Arabs express this type of hate all day every day. Man bites dog, amirite?

duh, because those are the most common emotions experienced by scientists (both male and female).