
Also, we learned this offseason that Marshawn Lynch ropes off his Lambo (but not the actual doors to the car, which perplexes me):

You could just ask your users to put on their big boy and girl pants and ignore comments that offend them.

Gawker's Guide to Countering Trolls, in 4 Quick & Easy Steps:


Basic money management was taught at my elementary school. We learned how to write checks, balance a check book, how interest work on credit cards, basic budgeting, etc.

You want to be Arya Stark, not Sansa Stark, young women are told, even though in truth, both girls know what it means to be strong.

An unsupervised 9 year old is criminal? I used to ride bikes all over town with similarly aged friends — for hours!— at like 5 and 6.

It is called a pattern of indifference towards palestinian life

You're right, we don't have grey days ... have solid months of grey. May Grey and June Gloom.

Don't forget May Grey. :(

Saved by the Bell aired on Saturday mornings. ;)

Characters: Umm, you forgot a biggie: Kelly.

Of English history, perhaps. His plots are direct lifts from stories of the Norman Conquest and the War of the Roses.

Exactly. It reeks of the influence of other, far better sci-fi and fantasy books/movies (The Running Man, The Long Walk, etc.) more than it shows the ability to influence other works.

Oh look, folks. An internet tough guy. I know I'm impressed. How about ya'll?

Um, and as others have noted, length is not a problem at all.

Do you feel better now that you've gotten over that little self-induced temper tantrum and spewed all that irrelevant bile out into the world? Good. Then let us proceed in a more rational and adult manner, shall we?

Or at least some general road-mapping and headers. Maybe a table of contents.

It would be your responsibility to get more people to drink more Coke ,even though people are slowly beginning to realize that Coke is fucking poison. You'd have to secure lucrative contracts with the Chinese government to supply all its schools and prisons and secret prisons and double secret prisons and schools

Terrifyingly long?